Re: memory leaks

"john wayne" <>
6 Jun 2006 08:40:28 -0700
sirisha ha scritto:

I am trying to develop an application to transfer a folder of files
using sockets. I have been using a loop to transfer all the files.
there are many memory leakage errors found in debugging. how can i
solve this?

   the output is differing. and I am unable to find the exactly where
is the error in the code. could u please help regarding this.

the code for sending is like this : in which i am sending the contents
in the order
file size, filename size, file name, file contents

void Sender::SendData(void)
    CString findFilePath=filePathInformation+"\\*.*";


    while (bWorking)

        bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
        CString findFileName(finder.GetFileName());
        if(findFileName.Compare(".") == 0 || findFileName.Compare("..") == 0)
  int returnValue=SetAddress();
            CString sendFilePath=finder.GetFilePath();
            FILE *filePointer;
            //int returnedValue;
            if( (filePointer = fopen(sendFilePath, "rb" )) == NULL )
                cout<<endl<<"File open error";
                char *fileContentBuffer;
                unsigned int bytesRead,fileNameLength;
                long fileSize;
                //long allocReqNum;
                //first send the file size details

                fseek(filePointer, 0, SEEK_END); // Move File Pointer to EOF
                fileSize=ftell(filePointer); // Get position of File Pointer
                rewind(filePointer); // Move File Pointer back to beginning of
                fileContentBuffer = (char *)calloc(32,sizeof(long));
                //returnedValue=_CrtIsMemoryBlock(fileContentBuffer, 32,
&allocReqNum, NULL, NULL);
                ltoa( fileSize, fileContentBuffer,10 );
                int returnValue = send(mySocket,fileContentBuffer,32,0);
                if(returnValue == SOCKET_ERROR)
                    cout<<endl<<"Error in Sending File Length";
                    cout<<endl<<"File Size Sent Successfully : "<<fileSize;
                //long valueReturned=_CrtSetBreakAlloc(allocReqNum);
                //delete fileContentBuffer;

                //send file name length
                fileContentBuffer = (char *)calloc(32,sizeof(int));
                char *returnChar=itoa( fileNameLength, fileContentBuffer, 10 );
                returnValue = send(mySocket,fileContentBuffer,32,0);
                if(returnValue == SOCKET_ERROR)
                    cout<<endl<<"Error in Sending File Details";
                    cout<<endl<<"File Length Sent Successfully : "<<fileNameLength;
                //delete fileContentBuffer;
                //Send the file name
                char *temporaryBuffer;
                fileContentBuffer = (char *)calloc(255,sizeof(char));
                returnValue = send(mySocket,fileContentBuffer,fileNameLength,0);
                if(returnValue == SOCKET_ERROR)
                    cout<<endl<<"Error in Sending in File Name";
                    cout<<endl<<"File Name Sent Successfully : "<<temporaryBuffer;
                //delete fileContentBuffer;
                //sending the file
                fileContentBuffer = (char *)calloc(fileSize,sizeof(char));
                returnValue = send(mySocket,fileContentBuffer,fileSize,0);
                if(returnValue == SOCKET_ERROR)
                    cout<<endl<<"Error in Sending File Contents";
                    cout<<endl<<"File Sent Successfully "<< returnValue<<" bytes";
                //delete fileContentBuffer;
            cout<<endl<<"Error in connecting";

that would be greatful to me,

filePathInformation is a global CString? If yes try to place it inside
the function and see again if you have memory leaks.

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