Re: MDAC memory leak

=?Utf-8?B?QXBwIHNob3dzIG1lbW9yeSBsZWFrIG9uIHNvbWUgbWFjaGluZXMu?= <>
Tue, 6 May 2008 06:01:01 -0700
Thank you Joseph for your reply.

I've used AfxBeginThread() function to launch thread and subsequently
AfxEndThread() to end it.
I tried using CloseHandle() and checked its return value, also checked
return value for GetLastError(), to make sure that handle is getting closed.
Return values were as expected. But, it made no difference in behaviour of

This part of code looks like
CWinThread* ThPtr = AfxBeginThread(..);
bool b = ::CloseHandle(ThPtr->m_hThread);
int n = GetLastError();

thread function:
returb bRet;

I've used socket and DB calls inside thread function. For DB communication,
I've used 'msado15.dll'.

I'll like to know, in which cases application will behave differently (in
terms of memory leaks) on different machine?


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

It is FAR more likely that what happened is that you are failing to close the thread
handle of the thread, resulting in a leakage of thread stacks. Are you certain every
thread handle is being closed?

The task manager may suggest that memory usage is increasing (it is one of the few valid
reports about memory it is actually capable of), but you need to rule out lots of other
explanations before pointing to MDAC (not that it might not be the cause, but the most
common error I've found in multithreaded leaks is stack leakage). I would suggest
downloading the free App Verifier from the Microsoft site and turning on all memory
management options.

On Fri, 2 May 2008 07:48:02 -0700, Prashant <> wrote:

The application is a multithreaded exe involving socket communication. The
memory usage in task manager increases when exe is running. It never comes
down. In other words, for each thread it increases and never comes down even
after that thread dies.


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

How do you detect that there is a memory leak? You assert this is happening without
explaining why you think it is so.
On Thu, 1 May 2008 05:11:01 -0700, App shows memory leak on some machines. <App shows
memory leak on some> wrote:


My application (developed in VC++) is running fine on most of the
machines(without any memory leak). But, it is showing memory leaks on
production machine. Even on development side it is showing memory leaks on
few machine. Why it is so?

Hardware configuration of these machines are different. But, I think this
difference should not create any memory leak in application.

My application is using database communication and socket communication APIs.

Is there any relation bet Hardware configuration and MDAC version?????
Is MDAC 2.82.3959.0 having memory leak problems??

I've checked my code several times with different APIs and tools, but it has
no memory leak. Please help me solving the problem. I've tried to solve
problem in many ways for a long time, but not getting any output.

MDAC versions on these machines are mentioned below.
Development machine : 2.81.1128.0
Production machines : 2.82.3959.0

OS : XP SP2, Windows 2003 server

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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