Re: capturing windows messages to parent dialog box
"Srivatsan "Vat" Raghavan" <>
wrote in message
the thread handler function looks like this, actually ->
then CMyDlg::ProcessPackets just does a switch-case on packet type, it's a
exceedingly simple protocol, but then i didn't write it, and i'm sure
are issues w/ the methodology, but then i didn't write it.
i should clarify what i meant by 'message'. sorry i mixed up windows
messages and our custom packet protocol.
my idea was that the parent dialog gets the 'all clear' packet then
the message box that's poped up, calling EndDialog or something, would
work? if not, what would?
The problem is likely found within the ProcessPackets function. It can do
all the socket data manipulation you like, but if and when it attempts to
access the dialog (or any control or other window) then you have big
trouble. Do not touch any window from a thread that did not create it! In
your case that means do not touch any window from ProcessPackets.
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