Re: Why I get error code c2440

=?Utf-8?B?T2tpZQ==?= <>
Sun, 7 May 2006 22:12:01 -0700
Inside the { and } of your constructor, max and max2 are not constants - the
globals const int max and const int max2 have been masked by the
(non-constant) arguments with the same name in the constructor's argument

 Array(int max, int max2)
capacity = max; // This is max from the argument list
capacity1 = max2; // This is max2 from the argument list
pprime = new long[max][max2]; // Again...

try this:

class CSomething
    static const long m_max2 = 3; // This must be initialized with a constant
    long m_max;

    long (*pprime)[m_max2];

    CSomething(long max = 4); // provide a default value (4 here) if you want

// Allocate the array in the constructor
CSomething::CSomething(long max /* = 4 */)
    m_max = max; // this will be 4 if parameter not specified

    pprime = new long[m_max][m_max2];

// De-allocate the array in the destructor
        delete [] pprime;

now, in your program...

int main()
    CSomething thing1; // Allocates 4 (default) X 3 array
    CSomething thing2(2); // Allocates 2 X 3 array
    CSomething *thing3;

    thing3 = new CSomething(5); // Allocates 5 X 3 array


    delete thing3; // Destructor deallocates the array

    return 0;
    // Destructors for thing1 and thing2 are automatically called

"Allen Maki" wrote:


When I used the 2 following lines in a simple code, the code will compile
with no error:

long (*pprime)[max2];

pprime = new long[max][max2];

But if I separate the two lines by putting the first in a class

and the second line in the constructor of the same class I will have the
under mentioned error messages.

Can you tell me what is wrong?


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

    const int max = 5;

      const int max2 = 4;

class Array



  long (*pprime)[max2];

  int capacity;

  int capacity1;

  Array(int max, int max2)

  { capacity = max;

     capacity1 = max2;

       pprime = new long[max][max2];

       //error(1) C2540: non-constant expression as array bound

     //error (2)C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'long (*)[1]' to 'long



int main()


  return 0;


"Allen Maki" <> wrote in message

Hi Everybody,

Iwould apprecite it if you could help.


//Why I got the following error message? for the 4th line:

// error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from

//'long (*)[3]' to 'long *' Types pointed

//to are unrelated; conversion requires

// reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or

//function-style cast

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


const int max = 4; //(1)

const int max2 = 3; //(2)

long *pprime; //(3)

pprime = new long[max][max2]; //(4)

return 0;


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