Re: Skipping parts of a serialized file

Scoots <>
Mon, 23 Mar 2009 06:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
Following the suggestions of others, I added the lpstorage and
COleStreamFile code from the COleDocument loading algorithm, and this
appears to do the trick. I have not stress-tested this yet, but the
following appears to work:

bool Decoder::OpenAndReadPreamble(CString p_csFilename,
COleStreamFile* p_pfr)
    //The preamble is completely and utterly unimportant. This gets
    //even if (Name removed for confidentiality) doesn't even save the
file! It's runtime information left over
    //from serialization. We just... plain... don't care.

    LPSTORAGE lpRootStg = NULL;

    //This is based on the COleDocument code for reading.
    BOOL bResult = FALSE;
        if (lpRootStg == NULL)
            LPCOLESTR lpsz = T2COLE(p_csFilename);

            // use STGM_CONVERT if necessary
            SCODE sc;
            LPSTORAGE lpStorage = NULL;
            if (StgIsStorageFile(lpsz) == S_FALSE)
                // convert existing storage file
                sc = StgCreateDocfile(lpsz, STGM_READWRITE|
                    0, &lpStorage);
                if (FAILED(sc) || lpStorage == NULL)
                    sc = StgCreateDocfile(lpsz, STGM_READ|
                            0, &lpStorage);
                // open new storage file
                sc = StgOpenStorage(lpsz, NULL,
                    0, 0, &lpStorage);
                if (FAILED(sc) || lpStorage == NULL)
                    sc = StgOpenStorage(lpsz, NULL,
                        0, 0, &lpStorage);
            if (FAILED(sc))

            ASSERT(lpStorage != NULL);
            lpRootStg = lpStorage;

    ASSERT(lpRootStg != NULL);

    // open Contents stream
    CFileException fe;
    if (!p_pfr->OpenStream(lpRootStg, _T("Contents"),
            CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareExclusive, &fe) &&
        !p_pfr->CreateStream(lpRootStg, _T("Contents"),
            CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareExclusive|CFile::modeCreate, &fe))
        if (fe.m_cause == CFileException::fileNotFound)
            AfxThrowFileException(fe.m_cause, fe.m_lOsError);

    // load it with CArchive (loads from Contents stream)
    CArchive loadArchive(p_pfr, CArchive::load |
    MessageBox(NULL,_T("Whoops"), _T("We did something bad."), MB_OK);
                return false;


  return true;

Okay, so there is a fair amount of debugging left to do, and nevermind
the fact that the messagebox is completely uninformative or that I
haven't commented it, this appears to automatically handle the
variable size header information. I'll let you know as I test it

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