Re: CRichEditCtrl contents from RTF file

"David Ching" <>
Tue, 27 Apr 2010 10:04:43 -0700
"JY" <> wrote in message


I have a Wizard based application, in which I have some property pages. In
one of the pages, I have a CRichEditCtrl, and I try to populate its
from a RTF file. The porblem is, it works correctly if the RTF file is
(about 4-5 KB), but when I use a larger file, its contents either don't
display at all, or gets truncated.

The code is shown below. What can I do to show the entire contents of the
RTF file in the control? Also, it should work for all languages - I have
UNICODE defined in the project. m_RECtrl is the rich edit control.

static DWORD CALLBACK MyStreamInCallback(DWORD dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff,
cb, LONG *pcb)
  CFile* pFile = (CFile*)(DWORD_PTR)dwCookie;
  *pcb = pFile->Read(pbBuff, cb);

  return 0;

It sounds like your callback is getting called multiple times and is not
doing the right thing after the first time. Set a breakpoint in
MyStreamInCallback and note the inputs and outputs. In particular, I've
found the callback is called until you set *pcb = 0.

I don't think Unicode has anything to do with this problem since you say it
works for short files, unless it happens your short file is not Unicode, but
the failing longer ones are.

-- David

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