Re: typename and sizeof

"Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]" <>
Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:37:35 +0000
Mycroft Holmes wrote:

Hi to all,

quite surprisingly, we discovered that inside 'sizeof', the keyword
'typename' is not required.
apparently, sizeof does not care if -say- A<T>::type is a type(def) or a
static member.

for example, this compiles in Comeau compiler online:

template <class T>
struct A
{ typedef char type;};

template <class T>
struct B
 static const int N = sizeof(A<T>::type); // note 'typename' missing here

int main()
return B<int>::N;

while it obviously gives error if we try to declare a member in B, whose
type is A<T>::type (without 'typename').
it still compiles if I add a partial specialization where 'type' is not a

template <>
struct A<int>
{ static const int type = -99; };

Is this fact documented in the standard?

I doubt it. I certainly don't recall seeing it, and I can't think why
sizeof would somehow not require specification of dependent names that
are types.

I think it's not explicitly mentioned in "C++ Templates - The Complete
Guide" by Vandevoorde/Josuttis.

IMHO it's a bug in the EDG front end used by Comeau C++ - you could
report it to


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