Re: Show me the mis-alignment.

James Kanze <>
Newsgroups:, comp.lang.c++
Thu, 6 Dec 2007 07:17:27 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 6, 4:13 am, Jeff?Relf <Jeff_R...@Yahoo.COM> wrote:

Given VC++ 8.0 without so-called ? optimizations ? or packing rules,
You can't show me a __int64 static, local or const
that isn't aligned on an 8-byte-boundry. I rest my case.

    #include <iostream>

    double two_pi = 6.28 ;

    f( long ifreq )
        __int64 w = two_pi * ifreq ;
        std::cout << &w << std::endl ;

        f( 20 ) ;

    template< size_t N >
        char dummy[ N ] ;
        f( 20 ) ;

    template< size_t N >
        char dummy[ N ] ;
        __int64 w ;
        std::cout << &w << std::endl ;

        f( 20 ) ;
        g() ;
        h< 1 >() ;
        h< 2 >() ;
        h< 3 >() ;
        h< 4 >() ;
        h< 5 >() ;
        h< 6 >() ;
        h< 7 >() ;
        h< 8 >() ;
        i< 1 >() ;
        i< 2 >() ;
        i< 3 >() ;
        i< 4 >() ;
        i< 5 >() ;
        i< 6 >() ;
        i< 7 >() ;
        i< 8 >() ;
        return 0 ;

Compiled with:
    cl /vmg /GR /Gy /EHs /J /nologo /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /MTd /
GS- /Zi /w /D_DEBUG


Note that the original question concerned double, and this is
just a quick edit of the program which I used to verify that
VC++ doesn't guarantee alignment of double. I don't know why
the discussion changed type---double is C++, __int64 isn't, and
VC++ is the only compiler at my disposition which will compile
the above. The fact remains that VC++ doesn't guarantee
alignment of more than 4, ever.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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