template -> instance -> function unresolved ???

"Mario Semo" <mario_semo@Xhotmail.com>
Tue, 4 Mar 2008 10:17:39 +0100

in the following sample i have a template class (wrapping a pointer) and a
friend template function accessing private data in the template.
i compile this into a dll (yes i know, there is no exported function from
this dll, but this is just a sample) and
get an unresolved external - the friend function is used, but not
what to do to get the friend function instantiated?

i tried to explicit instantiate the friend function (/DTEST2) , but this way
i get a compile error that the friend cannot access private data of the
(when i do this without templates, with a concrete class and a concrete
friend function, there is no such problem )

following the sample code + compiler call.
i use cl : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version
15.00.21022.08 for 80x86
from Visual Studio 2008 Express.

thanks for any help.


========= tst1.cpp =======
// simple template wrapping an "Element" pointer
// with a friend function to access the pointer.
// (this is a small part of a big complex framework - so
// please do not ask why elementForOps is a friend and not a member)

template <class Element>
class IElemPointer

  IElemPointer () : ivPtr(0) {}

  friend Element& elementForOps (IElemPointer <Element>&);



   Element* ivPtr;

// here is the impl of the template friend function which
// accesses the ivPtr;
template <class Element>
elementForOps (IElemPointer <Element>& ptr)
{ return *(ptr.ivPtr);

// a real element class
class Foo

// the following has no effect (if commented out or not)
template IElemPointer<Foo>;

#ifdef TEST2
// the following results in a compile error in the template instance
// tst1.cpp(21) : error C2248: 'IElemPointer<Element>::ivPtr' :
// cannot access private member declared in class 'IElemPointer<Element>'
// ???? This is a friend function of the class !
template Foo & elementForOps<Foo>(IElemPointer <Foo>& ptr);

// a dummy function to call elementForOps
void bar(IElemPointer<Foo> pFoo)

// cl -W4 -nologo /LD tst1.cpp
// tst1.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
// "class Foo & __cdecl elementForOps(class IElemPointer<class Foo> &)"
// (?elementForOps@@YAAAVFoo@@AAV?$IElemPointer@VFoo@@@@@Z)
// referenced in function "void __cdecl bar(class IElemPointer<class
Foo>)" (?bar@@YAXV?$IElemPointer@VFoo@@@@@Z)
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