Re: template inner class friendship

"Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]" <>
Wed, 22 Nov 2006 17:43:11 +0000
Mycroft Holmes wrote:

"Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]" <> wrote in message

Mycroft Holmes wrote:


Two questions on friendship:
1) Is it possible to make any "inner" friend of any other "inner", let's
say for a fixed X?
as in this pseudo-code:

template <typename X>
class outer
 template <typename Y>
 class inner
  // pseudo-C++

  template <typename ANY>
  friend class inner;


I think that code is probably legal - I can't see anything forbidding it
in the standard. However, neither VC8 nor Comeau C++ like it. GCC does

It looks like we are using the same compilers :)
I think from the error messages that VC8 and Comeau do look for a complete
signature of "inner" (e.g. something like friend class outer<X>::inner).
Comeau in particular does not understand that "inner" is the same as

GCC takes the code with meaning "outer<X>::inner<Y> is a friend of
outer<X>::inner<Z>", fixed X, for any Y and Z.
But the compiler cannot possibly know that outer<X>::inner is a template for
any X... so I won't bet GCC is completely right.

But you said that it only grants friendship for the particular X in
question, not for any X, no?

 template <typename Y>
 class someclass
  friend class someclass<const Y>;

even if Y is already const.

Yes, I think it's legal. However, you may find it simpler to partially
specialize for const instead.

well, my situation is much simpler: class C<T> holds a private T*, and I'd
like to construct C<const T> from a C<T>, so friendship - if legal - should

How do you declare that constructor? It T is arbitrary,
remove_const<T>::type is sometimes the same as T, so you'll be declaring
a copy constructor!


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