Re: Template Partial Specialization

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 19 Nov 2007 12:00:28 -0500
George wrote:

Hello everyone,

About Template Partial Specialization,

sometimes in real case like below,

there will be two definitions at the same time,

template <typename T>
class Foo {

template <typename T>
class Foo <T *>

In theory, compiler will match the latter one with first priority
compared with the 1st one.

My question is, I tihnk for basic data types it is easy to match,


when we pass Foo <int*>, the latter one is matched and T is int. But
for arbitrary data types,


like used data types, how could compiler
judge whether a type is pointer

A pointer is not arbitrary. It's a built-in type.

(when the latter template class
should be matched) or not a pointer (when the first template class
should be matched).

Not sure what you mean. A type is a pointer if it's defined to be
a pointer, like

    struct A {};
    typedef A *PointerToA;

    Foo<PointerToA> ... // should involve the specialisation

    Foo<PointerToA*> ... // should involve the specialisation

    Foo<Foo<A>*> ... // should involve the specialisation after
                     // involving non-specialised one

Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
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