Re: template -> instance -> function unresolved ???

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:15:46 +0100
Mario Semo wrote:

in the following sample i have a template class (wrapping a pointer) and a
friend template function accessing private data in the template.
i compile this into a dll (yes i know, there is no exported function from
this dll, but this is just a sample) and
get an unresolved external - the friend function is used, but not

Question: what if you use that code outside a DLL in a normal executable?

Other than that, there are some requirements on friends of templates, in
particular if those depend on the template parameter. I believe that is
explained in the C++ FAQ at parashift's, but I think the gist is that you
have to declare the function before the class who's friend it is supposed
to become.


template <class Element>
class IElemPointer
  friend Element& elementForOps (IElemPointer <Element>&);



....this declares a function as a friend, but...

template <class Element>
elementForOps (IElemPointer <Element>& ptr)
{ return *(ptr.ivPtr); }

....this is an equally named function _template_, which has not been declared
a friend, and I think that is also the problem you are having.

My suggestion BTW would be to simply overload unary operator* as a member,
but of course that doesn't answer the question why this here doesn't work
and might not match your design.


C++ FAQ:

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