COM dll and CoCreateInstance returned 80040111

Vincent RICHOMME <>
Wed, 30 Aug 2006 22:55:56 +0200

I am trying to intercept call to the Pocket Outlook API ( a COM dll),
so in the registry I have replaced the dll declaration:

    _T(""), _T("pimstore.dll") );
    _T("ThreadingModel"), _T("Free") );
    _T(""), _T("PocketOutlook.Application") );

(replaced pimstore.dll by melstore.dll (my COM dll))

and I have created two new entries :

one with a new CLSID and a new ProgID that points to the original COM dll.

    _T(""), _T("pimstore.dll") );
    _T("ThreadingModel"), _T("Free") );
    _T(""), _T("OrgPocketOutlook.Application") );

It means that when Pocket Outlook is asking for PocketOutlook.Application,
my dll(melstore.dll) is loaded instead of pimstore.dll.

Inside my COM dll, I would like to call the original dll. To do so I am
trying this

STDMETHODIMP CPOutlookApp::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR *ppv)
    HRESULT hr = 0;
    CLSID clsid;
    LPOLESTR pProgID = L"OrgPocketOutlook.Application"; //Origi. Dll

    hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, 0);
    Log( _T("CoInitializeEx returned %x\n"), hr);

    hr = CLSIDFromProgID(pProgID, &clsid);
    Log( _T("CLSIDFromProgID returned %x\n"), hr);

    hr = m_pPOOMApp.CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
    Log( _T("m_pPOOMApp.CoCreateInstance returned %x\n"), hr);

    return hr;

CoInitializeEx returned 1
CLSIDFromProgID returned 0

The problem is I alway get a 0x80040111 returned by CLSIDFromProgID. It
seems it cannot find the associated CLSID. I have also tried to directly
fill the clsid struct but same effect.

Do I need to do something else ?

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