Re: Can CWinThread::SuspendThread suspend yourself?
Excellent, thank you.
I almost objected that creating the thread suspended would suspend the
thread before doing some stuff instead of after. But after a minute I
figured out what you meant. Do that additional initial suspension so that T
will be assigned, then resume the thread immediately, and keep unchanged
that self-suspension where it is now.
This is also highly embarrassing. From 30 years ago until 10 years ago I
would have figured out this bug in other people's code.
"Alexander Grigoriev" <> wrote in message
When the thread starts to run, AfxBeginThread may not return yet and T may
not be assigned.
You need to use AfxGetThread() (?) or create the thread suspended (which
is a good idea anyway).
"Norman Diamond" <ndiamond@community.nospam> wrote in message
I'm not sure if this is a generic coding bug (e.g. buffer overflow
somewhere), a violation of a Win32 constraint on SuspendThread, a
violation of an MFC constraint on CWinThread::SuspendThread, or a bug in
Visual Studio 2005's version of MFC or in Windows XP or where.
CWinThread *T = AfxBeginThread(f, p);
// do some stuff
// when someone resumes us, we continue
Running in debug mode under control of Visual Studio 2005, about 66% of
the time this runs silently, but about 33% of the time it gets an
exception on an assert in afxwin2.inl, which makes no sense to me. It
seems that m_hThread is non-NULL as it should be, and the assert
complains that a memory read failed at a highly suspicious memory
address. The memory address varies but is always a very small multiple
of 4, looking very suspiciously like a handle value not a memory address,
making me wonder who's trying to read memory there.
While typing this message I observed that __cdecl is missing from the
declaration of f. But Visual Studio 2005 didn't issue any error message
about the call to AfxBeginThread. I don't think I know the real problem