Re: Text window not displaying inside loop
Windows/MFC can't do this if your loop is using up all the cycles (so to
speak). The messages can only be handled when you either do it manually
(using code like I mentioned), do your processing in a thread that
automatically shares time, or when the system is idle (no looped code
I think it's the "other handlers" that need yielding to in this case.
"VCPP" <> wrote in message
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message
| But why? Why not just use an OnTimer handler, and it all comes free?
| joe
Does Windows/MFC call OnTimer while the loop is executed?
I think Tom's code helps with yeilding to other handlers.
| On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 15:18:47 -0700, "Tom Serface"
<> wrote:
| >oops hit wrong key... sorry:
| >
| >//
| >// Release main thread for background processing
| >//
| >void GiveTime()
| >{
| > // Idle until the screen redraws itself, et. al.
| > MSG msg;
| > while (::PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) {
| > if (!AfxGetThread()->PumpMessage( )) {
| > ::PostQuitMessage(0);
| > break;
| > }
| > }
| > // let MFC do its idle processing
| > LONG lIdle = 0;
| > while (AfxGetApp()->OnIdle(lIdle++ ))
| > ;
| >}
| >
| >So in your example you could do something like:
| >
| > CString Output;
| > while (CountDown--) {
| > Output.Empty();
| >
| > // extract figures and format into Output
| >
| >
| > m_DriveList.SetWindowText (Output); // display figures
| > GiveTime(); // Allow UI to update
| >}
| >
| >
| >Tom