Re: Program Crashes On Exit

billyard <>
Thu, 06 Dec 2007 21:20:54 -0500
I must be close, because I think that's what I'm doing. The only thing I
wasn't doing was handling it on the OnClose event. I added the OnClose
event and the problem still exists. Here's some of the code - I hope
this makes it apparent what I'm doing wrong. Thanks again in advance.

void CMainFrame::OnMailGetNewMail()
    myPOP3.Connect(pszUser, pszPassword, false);
    CString NumberOfEmails = strStat.Mid(0,strStat.Find(" "));
    int intEmails = atoi(NumberOfEmails);

    for ( int i = 1; i <= intEmails; i++)
       myPOP3.GetMail(i, &strMail);

void CMainFrame::OnClose()

BOOL CPop3::Close()
    // Disable receiving on ServerSock.
    shutdown( m_sPop3Socket, 0x00 );
    // Close the socket.
    closesocket( m_sPop3Socket );
    m_bSocketOK = false;
    m_bConnected = false;
    return true;

BOOL CPop3::SetLastError(CString msg)
    m_strLastError = msg; // <<<<<--- WHERE ERROR OCCURS - BAD PTR
    return true;

The error ONLY happens if I stop the program while it is retrieving
mail. Any ideas?

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