Re: Serial worker thread help

"Victor" <>
Fri, 15 Aug 2008 22:04:56 +0200
See below...

"Kahlua" <> wrote in message
On Aug 15, 1:20 pm, Victor <> wrote:

I have no idea what *port* and its methods in that code snippet are and
but I'd recommend you to implement the code from Joe Newcomer's essay
""Serial Port I/O":


"Kahlua" wrote:

I have a serial worker thread that works with COM-DRV++(serial
wrapper) below.
This worked fine until I needed it to work under Vista.
I have switched to the CreateFile(), ReadFile(), WriteFile() methods.

UINT SerialThread( LPVOID Param ) //Thread to monitor serial activity
HWND hDlg = (HWND)Param;
int DataByte=0x00;
int Count=0;
int i;

while(Count == 0){
Count = Port.BytesInReceiveBuffer();
if (DataByte == 0x10){
for (i=0; i<33; i++){
Bar[i]=(DataByte & 0xff);
::PostMessage(hDlg, MY_SERIAL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
return TRUE;

When the char 10h is received it then gets 33 more chars (all 8bit).
I need to know how to change this to the ReadFile() method.

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Unfortunatly to me Joe's code seems to be much larger than the minimum
needed and dificult to understand.
No, it is neither "much larger than..." nor "dificult to understand".
It is very simple, it contains comments and it works!

Port is simply the handle to the COM-DRV++ comport functions.
No, it is NOT a "handle", becuase handle is not any class member and thus it
cannot have any methods.

I looking at my code snippet you cannot tell what "Port" is then you
dont need to answer.
Ok, it will be my last aswer in this thread.

The snippet is only the thread that checks if char came in serial
So does it use ReadFile API or some other technique?

And finally: you asked:

.... This worked fine until I needed it to work under Vista.
I need to know how to change this to the ReadFile() method
Joe's code does work. If you think it should be 2-5 lines shorter - just
remove some comments.
If you think that only very very short code may work correctly - then

Good luck,

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