ERROR_NO_TOKEN-CreateDispatch fails

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Mon, 8 Sep 2008 22:48:01 -0700

I'm want to use DIAdem 9.x( It's an application) Automation Object in
VC++.but my CreateDispatch returns the Win32 error code (GetLastError) - 1008

Error Details:
GetLastError returns: 1008
Win32 Error Code : ERROR_NO_TOKEN
Description: An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.
What does that mean "An attempt was made to reference a token that does not
exist. " ? How can i get this executed ?

But the Automation Object created for "DIAdem.toCommand" succeds in
VBScript ?

Please find the code snippet below.

code snippet:
This is a Win32 COM DLL.
I'm calling the CreateDispatch function in the worker thread,

DWORD dwThreadId;
    if((m_hinstance = CreateThread(
         &dwThreadId)) == NULL)
        return S_FALSE;

DWORD WINAPI appthread(LPVOID lpParam)
    COleException *err = new COleException;
  _ApplicationApp app;
    if( app.CreateDispatch("DIAdem.tocommand", err) == FALSE)

        // here it fails.
        CString f;
        f.Format("%u,GetLastError() ");

return 0


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