Re: a *working* PostThreadMessage() implementation...?

"Alexander Grigoriev" <>
Wed, 1 Oct 2008 19:25:45 -0700
Sorry, you have to review your implementation throughly. If you hope you can
call Start and Stop for it while other threads are posting messages, that
won't work. You have a few race conditions in your code. I'm leaving that
exercise up to you to find those holes.

".rhavin grobert" <> wrote in message
On 1 Okt., 19:58, "Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>

".rhavin grobert" <> wrote in message

in order to not reinvent the weel, has anyone already coded a
*working* PostThreadMessage implementation?
eg. an impl that has a queue of a variable, self managing size and
that - of course - doesnt drop messages just because some other thread
is in some dialog modal loop?

Is there something about the built in implementation that does not meet
needs? You know, I suppose, that PostThreadMessage should only be used to
post to threads that do not display any GUI. With that limitation, the
queue is enormous and is not affected by other threads.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

i want a message queue that doesnt care what the threads do currently
and who's got GUIs.
how about that aproach (not fully functional yet, QUAD = unsigned


#define MSGBUFFER_INITIAL_SIZE 50 // queues initial slots
#define MSGBUFFER_DEFLATE_THRESHOLD 100 // if MaxSize - UsedSize is
#define MSGBUFFER_DEFLATE_SIZE 25 // ...deflate buffer to
UsedSize + this
#define MSGBUFFER_INFLATE_SIZE 25 // increase by this if buffer
is to small

#pragma pack (push, 1)
struct SQTrdMsg {
QUAD qCommand;
QUAD qParam;
QUAD qAux;
void* pBody;
BYTE bFlags;
#pragma pack (pop)

class CQThread : public CWinThread

//* ... usual stuff here ... */

// initialize message buffer and start functionality
bool _MsgBufferStart();
// free all memory used by message buffer, stop message buffering
bool _MsgBufferStop();
// add a new message to queue
bool _MsgBufferAdd(QUAD qMsg, QUAD qParam, QUAD qAux, PCVOID pBody,
// add a new message to queue
bool _MsgBufferAdd(SQTrdMsg const* pMsg);
// unshift buffers oldest message from queue
bool _MsgBufferUnshift(SQTrdMsg* pTM);
// deflate queues buffer
bool _MsgBufferDeflate();
// inflate queues buffer
bool _MsgBufferInflate();
// copy contents of old queue into new buffer
void _MsgBufferRelocate(SQTrdMsg* pNewBuffer);

UINT m_nQueueLast; // last used slot in queue
UINT m_nQueueSize; // overall size of queue
UINT m_nQueueFirst; // first used slot in queue
UINT m_nQueueMax; // queues maximum allocation
SQTrdMsg* m_pQueueBuffer; // the allocated queue buffer

HANDLE m_hMessage;

// initialize message buffer and start functionality
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferStart()
m_hMessage = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "QTreadMsgHnd");

m_nQueueLast = 0;
m_nQueueSize = 0;
m_nQueueFirst = 0;
m_pQueueBuffer = (SQTrdMsg*) malloc(sizeof(SQTrdMsg) *

return (m_hMessage != 0);

// free all memory used by message buffer, stop message buffering
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferStop()
if (m_hMessage == 0)
return true;
bool bRet = (::CloseHandle(m_hMessage) != FALSE);
m_hMessage = 0;
SQTrdMsg TM;

// remove all message-heads from queue, optionally deleting the body
while (_MsgBufferUnshift(&TM))
if ((TM.bFlags & QTMF_DELETEBODY) != 0)
delete TM.pBody;

// free queues still allocated memory
return bRet;

// add a new message to queue
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferAdd(QUAD qMsg, QUAD qParam, QUAD qAux, PCVOID
BYTE bFlags)
SQTrdMsg TM;
TM.qParam = qParam;
TM.qCommand = qMsg;
TM.qAux = qAux;
TM.pBody = const_cast<void*>(pBody);
TM.bFlags = bFlags;

return _MsgBufferAdd(&TM);

// add a new message to queue
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferAdd(SQTrdMsg const* pMsg)
if (pMsg == NULL || m_hMessage == 0)
return false;


// if buffer is not big enough, we have to resize it!
if (m_nQueueSize >= m_nQueueMax)


// start at beginning if next slot exceeds buffer
if (m_nQueueLast > m_nQueueMax)
m_nQueueLast = 0;

// copy message into current slot
*(m_pQueueBuffer + m_nQueueLast) = *pMsg;


//you've got message...
return (::SetEvent(m_hMessage) != FALSE);

// unshift buffers oldest message from queue
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferUnshift(SQTrdMsg* pTM)
if (pTM == NULL || m_nQueueSize == NULL)
return false;


// copy message from first slot to given buffer
*(m_pQueueBuffer + m_nQueueFirst) = *pTM;

// start at beginning if first slot exceeds buffer
if (m_nQueueFirst > m_nQueueMax)
m_nQueueFirst = 0;


// if size of buffer is too big, we shrink it
if (m_nQueueSize + MSGBUFFER_DEFLATE_THRESHOLD <= m_nQueueMax)

return true;

// deflate queues buffer
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferDeflate()
// allocate new buffer
UINT nStackNew = (m_nQueueSize + MSGBUFFER_DEFLATE_SIZE);
UINT nBytesNew = sizeof(SQTrdMsg) * nStackNew;
SQTrdMsg* pQueueNew = (SQTrdMsg*) malloc(nBytesNew);

if (pQueueNew == NULL)
return false;

m_nQueueMax = nStackNew;
return true;

// inflate queues buffer
bool CQThread::_MsgBufferInflate()
// allocate new buffer
UINT nStackNew = (m_nQueueMax + MSGBUFFER_INFLATE_SIZE);
UINT nBytesNew = sizeof(SQTrdMsg) * nStackNew;
SQTrdMsg* pQueueNew = (SQTrdMsg*) malloc(nBytesNew);

if (pQueueNew == NULL)
return false;

m_nQueueMax = nStackNew;
return true;

// copy contents of old queue into new buffer
void CQThread::_MsgBufferRelocate(SQTrdMsg* pNewBuffer)
ASSERT(pNewBuffer != NULL);
if (m_nQueueSize == 0)

// copy contents of old buffer to new location
if (m_nQueueFirst < m_nQueueLast)
// currently used queue doesnt span over buffers end: normal copy
memcpy(pNewBuffer, m_pQueueBuffer + m_nQueueFirst, m_nQueueSize);
// currently used does span over buffers end: swap at copy
UINT nCut = m_nQueueMax - m_nQueueFirst;
memcpy(pNewBuffer, m_pQueueBuffer + m_nQueueFirst, nCut);
memcpy(pNewBuffer + nCut, m_pQueueBuffer, m_nQueueLast);
m_nQueueFirst = 0;
m_nQueueLast = m_nQueueSize - 1;
m_pQueueBuffer = pNewBuffer;

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