Re: Exception handling?

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 23 Jun 2010 08:24:20 -0700
"Hector Santos" <> wrote in message

Not knowing what are all the possible "error" conditions for the .NET
library, I got into a practice of wrapping try catch around much of the
code blocks but also working in the Try Catch Finally logic where
necessary to return negative or positive results. A good last example was
adding a search logic using the Regular Expression .NET library.

public bool SearchForums(string sPattern)

    Regex rgx = new Regex(sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    foreach (var forum in ForumsList)
      MatchCollection matches = rgx.Matches(forum.Description);
      if (matches.Count > 0)
          /// got something
    return true;
  catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Regular Expression Error: " + ex.Message);
  return false

This turned out to be nice because for illegal sPattern syntax the class
throws an exception with detail description of the syntax error. I am glad
it did this and not me and it also became a "help" for the the user and
not something we have to documentation.

You can also set a global unhandled exception handler in your app that will
display the message box for all exceptions. This saves you from having to
put try/catch in so many places, when all you do in the catch is show the
exception's message. BTW, the exception also contains a nice callstack
string, so you can dump the call stack in the message box as well! :-)

Today, I believe that exception trapping is a vital necessary design
especially for environments .NET. There is still the issue of
programmings not grasp everything, but the throw exceptions are "better"
or rather design with the intent that developers will use them to provide
non-critical feedback.

You can get in trouble though when you don't understand the errors. This
last example is a good illustration where an explicit exception catch was
used but was a critical abort failure when implemented in a different way.

The Windows Live ID SDK has an example implementation where the main
program.cs has a catch for specific exception handler for


like so:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace WindowsLiveIDClientSample
    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()

                Application.Run(new MainWindow());
            //System requirement detection.
            catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException fnfex)
                //Checking for the absence of the Windows Live Sign-In
Assistant DLL.
                if (fnfex.Message.Contains("WindowsLive.ID.Client"))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please install the Windows Live ID
For Client Applications SDK.");

Well, if you isolate this LiveID class into your own library and the
LiveID component was not already installed, then you get an exception that
is not System.IO.FileNotFoundException.

I learn the hard way that this exception was only correct when the LiveID
assembly was bound to the EXE and not a helper DLL.

The solution was simple, again, not knowing what are the possible specific
exceptions, I used catch all instead and checked for the "LiveID" string
in the exception message.

To be fair, this same problem would have happened if error codes were
returned instead of exceptions thrown. (I.e. you may not understand when
and under what circumstances various error codes are returned vs. when and
under what circumstances various exceptions are thrown.) It's the same

The sad fact is this - its here. It is what it is, libraries are done
mostly one way now and developers have no choice but get use to it and
learn how to work with it.

For me, exceptions offer a way of stepping back and recovering from "various
errors" without tediously checking each step along the way. Theoretically
they conserve brain power. But the downside is you give up explicit control
that you intrinsically get when you are forced to check error codes with
nested if. So you spend at least some of the saved brain power
understanding and ensuring you cover the various situations, sometimes by
trial and error, as you say. For me becoming a .NET programmer, the main
question is, do you want to spend brain power making sure you work well with
the framework, or do you want to spend brain power tediously coding each
possible little thing in MFC. This is why I say .NET makes MFC look like
assembly language, with the advantages and disadvantages of such.

-- David

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