Re: interthread communication

mfc <>
Sat, 21 Aug 2010 11:39:58 -0700 (PDT)

Key here is that you have two separate conditions: you need a loop to han=

dle incoming

packets (the message pump of your UI thread) and you need a way to send d=

ata continuously

to a device (another thread!). I would probably use a semaphore here, =

see my essay on

semaphores. But instead of blocking INFINITE on the semaphore, the wri=

ter thread will

block for 0 ms. So if there is something in the queue, it will dequeue=

 it, otherwise it

will return WAIT_TIMEOUT and you get to re-send the existing message. =

So now I understand

the "if no new input" line. That would become a WFMO on the semaphore =

and the shutdown

event. But you have a two-thread problem here which you were trying to=

 reduce to a

one-thread problem.

that`s perfect that you understand the problem. I also know what I
want but I don`t know how I can acchieve this exaclty.

I need two user threads: The first thread will get and collect the
pointers to the CbyteArrays and store these arrays in a list?

CSerialCollectData : public CWinThread
   Queue q;
   long count; //semaphore count
   BOOL firstTimeCall; //set to TRUE in the constructor

void CSerialData::OnGetNewData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
      //start second thread for tx serial packets
      firstTimeCall = FALSE;

     CWinThread * thread = AfxBeginThread(threadStart, //
thread function
                                         this, //
thread function parameter
                                         THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, //
                                         0, //
use default stack size
                                         CREATE_SUSPENDED); //
not running


     //any additional recommendations to verfiy that the thread is
already running?

   CByteArray * data = (CByteArray *)wParam;
      //error queue full
  long n = InterlockedIncrement(&count);

  delete [] data;

That`s all I have to do to collect the data in the queue for the
second thread? Is it true, that I can already delete the buffer "data"
after adding it on the queue?

The second thread should start when the first ethernet frame will be
received (firstTimeCall).

void CSerialData::threadStart(LPVOID me)
   CSerialData *start = (CSerialData *)me;

   return (start->run());

BOOL CSerialData::run()
   //tx serial data
   DWORD bytesWritten;

       LPVOID p = q.RemoveHead();
        //how is it possible to know how many packets included in this
list??? because if the list is empty + shutdown event > thread will

        CByteArray *data = ( CByteArray *)p;
        long n = InterlockedDecrement(&count);

        FT_Write(ftHandle, data->GetData(), 1, &bytesWritten);



I hope there`s something right in the above code. If I`m right, with
this solution the thread ( CSerialData::run) will be send some data if
some data is available in the queue q. But two things are not
supported so far; the possibility to see if there are more than one
item available in the queue q and the part waiting until the hEvent

Using a second UI-thread I can recall the specific function sending
the data to the serial port by a PostThreadMessage().

void CSerialData::OnGetNewData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

   CByteArray * data = (CByteArray *)wParam;
      //error queue full
  long n = InterlockedIncrement(&count);

   ::PostThreadMessage(threadWriterID, UWM_NEW_DATA_AVAIL, 0, 0);

void CSerialWrite::OnNewDataAvail(wParam, lParam)
     if(! WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        //new data can be txd

       LPVOID p = q.RemoveHead();

        CByteArray *data = ( CByteArray *)p;
       long n = InterlockedDecrement(&count);

       FT_Write(ftHandle, data->GetData(), 1, &bytesWritten);


       //waiting for the CTS_High event -> sending a PostThreadMessage
to this function???


best regards

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