Re: C++ with VS.NET and Twilight of the Microsoft Era

"Bruno van Dooren [MVP VC++]" <>
Tue, 24 Oct 2006 19:36:24 +0200


And what, exactly, has this to do with C++?

Here, I agree with you completely.

What has this to do with C++ eh??

Well, for one thing, look at that bug I mentioned - the one
where you have a folder on your desktop and you wish to delete
it and even though you are the Administrator with full rights,
it won't delete. For a bug of this magnitude in XP to not be
fixed after numerous updates and patches is indicative of
serious systemic problems within the deepest parts
of Microsoft software, most likely including their languages.

There is likely an explanation for this, and it is probably a bug.
However, this has to do diddly squat with the compiler used to compile

You all rerember how they spent years ignoring upgrades
to their C++ while other compilers became more supportive
of the standards. You all rerember the STL workarounds that were

GCC 2.95 is just as standards incompliant. VC6 is of the same generation.
VC2003 is much better regarding standards compliance. ditto for GCC3.x
I have not worked with GCC4, but I image it compares to VC2005.
These days, GCC is still incompliant in places, and it has its own set of
proprietary extensions, just as the MSVC compiler does.
Let me tell you that the STL with GCC2.95.x was just as horrible (maybe even
more so) than the STL supplied with VC6.

I guess you failed to notice that VC6 was released before ISO C++ was

I know you folks have deadlines to meet and don't want to consider
this stuff because I was there once - but unless you get your heads
out of the sand and take a look around now and then, you may find
that your proffession has been reduced to the status of coding zombie -
is just where Microsoft wants you.

First of all, if you have done my kind of work, you should know that
deadlines have little to do with what tool you use.
Most of the time we use the best tool for the job, and on windows, VC++ is
the top of the bill.
And have you ever had to debug a multithreaded app?
I did, and still do. the Visual C++ debugger is the best out there. I have
tried to use GDB and DDD on linux to debug multithreaded frameworks. Guess
what? GDB is the most stinking pile of crap I ever worked with. I manages to
lose context after stepping 1 function level deep while some other threads
are running.
In the end, I save us a lot of time by developing everything on Windows,
debugging it with VC++ and then porting to linux.

Secondly, my customers determine the platform. Using GCC on windows is
probably one of the stupidest things to do.

I finally woke up and got out of Microsoft's grip and there are many
before me. There is a world of computing that exists beyond their
up promises but you must take a bold step to get there or else
stay where you are.

I have developed on all sorts of platforms. Linux sucks the most of them,
because when linux is developed there is 0 time for design up front, 0 tme
for development, and testing consists of checking whether it starts or not.
Do you have any idea how many times the USB subsystem has been written from
scratch, for example?
Fun eh, if you are trying to maintain a linux USB driver.

The choice is yours.

How nice of you.
You still haven't explained what this has to do with C++ though.


Kind regards,
    Bruno van Dooren
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