Re: Use DLL for get Windows Message?

"Ben Voigt" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Fri, 30 Mar 2007 10:02:10 -0500
"leslie eldrige" <> wrote in message

You are right. I don't need any parameters, sorry. But it does not change
anything. I have the same problems.

So I will repeat my problem:
- I use a language for my application who does not have a window gui (for
example menu, dialogs or so).
- To solve this problem I create a DLL who insert for example a simple
window gui into my application or show dialogs.
- Now if I have a windows menu gui in my application so I want to control
this. I want to know if the user choose the Exit menu item or help menu
- To solve this problem I create a DLL function who give me a windows
message. This function is very simple, it call the GetMessage, set the MSG
structur and returns a command. In the fact I need only to select
and then I must return the ID of message command, but I don't get the
WM_COMMAN (see my example).

So I ask me, is it realy possible to get windows message for an
over a DLL? All examples for GetMEssage are simple Windows Programs but
DLLs! Does my DLL function know about my Application if not, then I cannot
use GetMessage from DLL?

A DLL can definitely create windows. Usually you need a message dispatch
loop, your function steals all messages sent to any window in the thread,
which could have negative consequences for COM if you use it. Make sure
that you call this WM_COMMAND fetching function in a loop, and expect any
number of other messages sprinkled in, which you should pass to

Also, you are asking for trouble by calling your function GetMessage, which
invites confusion with the Win32 API function of the same name. C++ allows
function overloading based on parameter lists, but C does not and dllexport
functions need to be declared extern "C".

So I hope you understand my problem :)

Thanks very much for you instructions.


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