Re: Drawing from a thread

David Wilkinson <>
Tue, 22 May 2007 12:09:29 -0500
Lionel wrote:


first, thank you for helping. I've located the MTGDI sample but there
appears to be no link to the sample files (?), just a description of the
sample itself. It sounds like it would be useful indeed. Where can I find
the link to the source code files?

Joseph, yes the description of the "wierd UI crashes" is poor. Essentially,
after several minutes of proper functioning the redrawing appears to become
very unresponsive. Portions of the screen do not redraw and UI items like
menus won't redraw or respond, even though I'm only drawing to a specific
Rect in the View. I think the CView pointer may be the problem. Here's the
procedure I'm using:

1) I create an object called videoThreadData (of class type
"LiveVideoThreadData" that I've designed) to be accessed by the thread
function. It houses data such as image height, width, bytes per pixel, etc.
After I create the object (from the main UI thread and within CView) I pass a
pointer to the view:


2) I launch the video thread that is responsible for grabbing frames from
the camera's ring buffer and drawing them:

"LiveVideoThread = AfxBeginThread(LiveVideoThreadFunction,

3) Inside my thread function I gain access to the view DC using the
videoThreadData object repository and do the drawing stuff:

MyView::LiveVideoThreadFunction(LPVOID pParam)
LiveVideoThreadData* threadDataObject = (LiveVideoThreadData*)pParam;
//Draw. First get DC:
CDC* viewDC = (videoThreadData.GetViewWndPtr())->GetDC();
//Grab and draw to DC here.
//Release DC:

The above proceedure is looped until the user stops the camera.


I'm not sure this is the problem, but rather than using the CWnd pointer
to Get and Release the DC inside the loop (which is in the secondary
thread), use GetDC in the main thread and store the DC in your
videoThreadData object before launching the secondary thread. You will
need to devise some method of releasing the DC in the main thread when
the user closes the camera (I would PostMessage() to the main thread at
the end of the worker thread function, and release the DC in the handler).

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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