Re: Problem with linker
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 22:37:54 GMT, "David Ching" <>
My reasons for wanting default
arguments is that I like the "syntactic sugar" as BS would call it.
Actually, that's what I called it. I quoted Stroustrup as calling it a
"minor notational convenience".
Fine, I
like my syntactic sugar. If you don't, then agree to disagree, but then
don't make it out like I'm giving you short shrift because I'm not.
Whether or not either of us "likes" the feature is so not the point.
If Joe
says default arguments cause special problems in ctors, then leave them out
since I wouldn't use them much anyway. If it turns out they don't cause
special problems, then leave them in, for all I care.
They don't cause special problems. That's what I've been laboring to
explain over the course of several messages. I don't care whether you use
default arguments or not. What I care about is people learning the wrong
things and basing decisions on false beliefs. It is in that spirit that I
I've tried to carry on a technical conversation with you.
Again, if you don't
agree, then fine, but don't get on your high horse and proclaim to have a
better argument because you don't.
I have no idea what you're referring to with that. What I've done in this
thread is dispel some misconceptions and briefly explain how things
actually work.
Not everyone here cares to engage in a thesis on compiler theory. Most of
us are practical programmers who happen to like conventions that make our
lives easier, and are just stating that we wish they were present in our
language of choice.
Point taken. I'm used to people who like to understand the things they talk
about and enjoy talking about them. I will no longer mistake you for a
member of this group.
Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP