Re: Debug ASSERT when CDialog::DoModal() from PreTranslateMessage()

"Tom Serface" <>
Wed, 6 Feb 2008 12:53:02 -0800
I've just had problems in the past when a library (DLL) has created it's own
threads and it calls back into a listener in my UI thread, but the resource
context is wrong. Thus, when it tries to pop up a dialog it has the right
ID, but the resource at that ID is what the DLL wanted, not what I wanted. I
know it's confusing, but worth asking since I don't know exactly what you
are doing.

I guess I was wondering, since it couldn't create a valid window, if the
dialog template was wrong somehow or the instance handle was off for the
application. Showing the code for the PretranslateMessage function might
help, but I'm thinking it's something more than that. If you are not using
any DLLs that have resources or any additional threads that may have ended
you up here then what I'm suggesting wouldn't make any sense.


"PeteOlcott" <> wrote in message
On Feb 6, 12:37 pm, "Tom Serface" <> wrote:

When you tried David's idea were you careful to use PostMessage() rather
than SendMessage(). Also, is the dialog you want to pop up in the current


resources for the context of the thread? For example, you are not calling
this from a callback on another thread or you did not reset the resource
handle to a different satellite library?

I don't know what this means. All the DialogBoxes were created using
the resource editor.

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