Re: Returning Char array/pointer? Continuing of thread I am confused with these concepts.

David Wilkinson <>
Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:02:02 -0500
rockdale wrote:

I am doing a small testing on this topic.
char* myByte;
long lngSize = 0;

lngSizeR = CMyUtil::ReadFile2ByteArray2("myFile",myByte);
CMyUtil::WriteByteArray2File2(myByte,lngSize, "myFile2");
delete[] myByteR;

I got an error when calling WriteByteArray2File2, myByte pointed to a
invalid pointer oxffffffff. and the error is
Access violation reading location 0xffffffff.

Any explaination, expecially somebody who answered my previous thread,
you may understand why ai am stick on this topic.

void WriteByteArray2File(const char* aSrcArr, long aSize, char const*

    ofstream out(aDestFile, ios::binary);
        throw exception("Could not open output file" );
    out.write(aSrcArr, aSize);


long ReadFile2ByteArray2(char const* aSrcFile, char* aDestArr){
    long lngFileSize = 0;
    int intBeenRead = 0;

    ifstream in;, ios::in| ios::binary | ios::ate);
        lngFileSize = in.tellg();
        throw exception("could not open input file"); // could not open in
        return 0;

    aDestArr = new char[lngFileSize+1];
    in.seekg(0,ios::beg);, lngFileSize);
    aDestArr[lngFileSize] = '\0';
    return lngFileSize;


One more time... You must pass the pointer by reference if you want to change it
in the caller:

long ReadFile2ByteArray2(char const* aSrcFile, char*& aDestArr);

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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