Re: calling convention stdcalll and cdecl call

"Alf P. Steinbach" <>
Sun, 20 Jul 2008 09:35:27 +0200
* Liviu:

"Alf P. Steinbach" <> wrote

* Liviu:

Huh? Assume the assertion "__stdcall and __cdecl are different
calling conventions". Would you really argue that the assertion is
false because a function, say "void knurre2();" can be called under
either convention?

The assertion that cdecl and stdcall are different isn't false,

Sigh ;-)

Please pay attention: even if you don't grasp a simple sentence like that at
first, try to study it before concluding that it's forever out of your reach.

You can do it!

You might ask yourself, e.g., how the sentence relates to your question.

Or you might ask me, if you're unable to figure that out yourself (as you
evidently are, since you sigh), so, here it is:

You asked,

   "Would you really argue that the assertion [x] is false"

I answered

   "The assertion [x] isn't false"

As you can see, if you study this very very hard, it means I *would not* argue,
nor really argue, nor whatever, that assertion [x] is false.

So it *answers your question*.

Why do you then sigh?

Did't you want your question answered?

but an assertion that "thus, no function can be called as both stdcall
and cdecl" would be false.

True, but irrelevant.

I don't know how better to answer your question, quoted above.

If the answer seems irrelevant, it may be because the question was irrelevant?

Don't you think?[1]

Which pretty much sums up the rest of your pointless subthread.

Hey, it's your thread. Don't try to blame me. At least it's been fun reading
your excessively inane statements and helpless attempts at trying to pin
silly/idiotic points of view on me. I'm not at all convinced that you're
necessarily more human than George. For it seems humanly impossible to be so
thickheaded (in George's case, instead of manifesting as a belief that he
understands it instead manifests as a tendency to ask again&again in a machine
like manner about what's already been answered umpteen times, i.e. a complete
inability to *understand* what's being said, and merrily multi-posting it all).

Now please flush your output buffer and consider the stream closed ;-)

Hah. :-)


- Alf

[1] Uh, sorry for that question.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

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