Re: Problem with MFC Thread

David Wilkinson <>
Wed, 17 Sep 2008 05:33:24 -0400
Lucress Carol wrote:

On 16 Sep., 17:08, "AliR \(VC++ MVP\)" <A...@online.nospam> wrote:

Sorry the link is

Thanks to all of you for these useful explanations.But I'm afraid I
still don't get
some basis principles how the threads work.Sorry to bother you with
questions but:

In the program you wrote ThreadFunction is the workerthread right?
and which one is the main thread?
Why don't you declare the ThreadFunction in the header file?
by the way could recommend me a good book about Threads?


You should understand that the C++ language knows nothing about threads. Which
thread a function or method runs in depends on where is is called from.

Note that

1. When you use (the worker thread version of) AfxBeginThread(), the thread
function runs in a newly created worker thread.

2. When you use PostMessage() or SendMessage() to a window in the main thread,
then the handler runs in the main thread.

 From this you can see that in AliR's example, only the thread function
ThreadFunction runs in the worker thread; everything else runs in the main thread.

But in your original example, both the static method WorkerThreadLauncher() and
the non-stataic method Execute() run in the worker thread. (actually your
ProcessMessage() method runs in the worker thread also, but you should get rid
of that).

I think I originally learned the basics of multi-threading from the MFC books by
  Blaszczak and Prosise.

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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