Re: Debug' works fine, but not in 'Release' and vice-versa.

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 07:12:23 -0700
Is this a question or are you just providing information? Just want to be
sure. The threads you quote seem pretty old.

Maybe you are just trying to point people to your article?


"eliza sahoo" wrote in message

At times it is possible that some operations work fine in Debug mode but
not in Release mode and vice-versa.

Here are the some of the common errors that lead us to the above problem.

1. In general, the default value of an uninitialzed variable is garbage in
Debug and zero in Release .

  So, the following code works fine in Debug and not in Release .

           int enabled;
           if( enabled )

  So, Please initialise when a variable is declared.
2. One of the main difference in Debug and Release is Optimization.

        We can set this from Properties -> C/C++ -> Optimization.

fangtu101 wrote:

Release build crashes when creating dialog from DLL


We are developing an application using MFC, and it works fine in
Debug. However, the release build crashes when creating a dialog. The
call is from a DLL in case that matters any. At the time of the crash,
the call stack looks as shown below, with the top of the call stack
being CFrameWnd::OnActivateTopLevel.


Win32 function SetWindowPos was being called in user32.dll at the time
of the crash. Further down in the stack (the stack frames below
user32 were claimed to not be valid) the original MFC call was to
CWnd::SetWindowPos(). We also tried directly calling the Win32
function SetWindowPos(), but the crash was identical, including the
call stack.

At the time of the crash, the message that appears is as shown below.
Unhandled exception at 0x7831726a (mfc80u.dll) in teams.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.

Looking at the disassembly of the code at this time, there was a null
pointer that was being used to read memory at an offset of 20h.

Any help on how this problem can be solved would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Previous Posts In This Thread:

On Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:34 PM
fangtu101 wrote:

Release build crashes when creating dialog from DLL

We are developing an application using MFC, and it works fine in
Debug. However, the release build crashes when creating a dialog. The
call is from a DLL in case that matters any. At the time of the crash,
the call stack looks as shown below, with the top of the call stack
being CFrameWnd::OnActivateTopLevel.


Win32 function SetWindowPos was being called in user32.dll at the time
of the crash. Further down in the stack (the stack frames below
user32 were claimed to not be valid) the original MFC call was to
CWnd::SetWindowPos(). We also tried directly calling the Win32
function SetWindowPos(), but the crash was identical, including the
call stack.

At the time of the crash, the message that appears is as shown below.
Unhandled exception at 0x7831726a (mfc80u.dll) in teams.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.

Looking at the disassembly of the code at this time, there was a null
pointer that was being used to read memory at an offset of 20h.

Any help on how this problem can be solved would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


On Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:56 PM
David Lowndes wrote:

You're not mixing a release build of the EXE with a debug DLL
You're not mixing a release build of the EXE with a debug DLL (or
vice-versa) are you?

What's the function definition that you are calling? Are there any heap
allocated items involved?


On Wednesday, May 16, 2007 10:51 PM
Joseph M. Newcomer wrote:

As already pointed out, make sure you aren't mixing debug and release
As already pointed out, make sure you aren't mixing debug and release
components. You can
also check out my essay "Surviving the release version" on my MVP TIps
site. Note that
VS2005 always produces a .pdb file for new projects.
On 16 May 2007 14:34:13 -0700, wrote:

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
MVP Tips:

On Thursday, May 17, 2007 10:09 AM
fangtu101 wrote:

Re: Release build crashes when creating dialog from DLL
On May 16, 5:56 pm, David Lowndes <Dav...@example.invalid> wrote:

We are using a release DLL and release EXE. The DLL is being
dynamically loaded.
Incidentally, what problems would be likely to occur if a debug
version of a DLL is used?
I ask this because we will be potentially allowing third-party DLLs
(plug-ins), and we
want to allow as much flexibility as possible.

The function being called is CWnd::SetWindowPos(). We also tried
obtaining a handle
to the window, verifying that the handle is valid, and then calling
the Win32
function SetWindowPos(). Interestingly, even the Win32 function
called the MFC
functions, so it appears that it has a hook that calls them for an MFC
In either case the crash was at the same location.

The crash occurs at the commented line in the partial disassembly of
that is shown below.

// deactivate current active view
CWinThread *pThread = AfxGetThread();
78317262 call AfxGetModuleThreadState (7830F39Fh)
if (pThread->m_pMainWnd == this)
78317267 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4] ;
******************** eax appears to be a valid pointer here (at least
7831726A cmp dword ptr [eax+20h],esi ;
****************** CRASH IS HERE! -- eax = 0 -> null pointer (but esi
appears to be a valid "this" pointer)
7831726D jne CFrameWnd::OnActivateTopLevel+7Ch (78317299h)

Thanks again for any suggestions.


On Thursday, May 17, 2007 11:06 AM
David Lowndes wrote:

If you pass any run-time allocated objects between the EXE/DLLboundary and
If you pass any run-time allocated objects between the EXE/DLL
boundary and expect to allocate or free them across the boundary, it
will only work if both components use the same shared (DLL) version of
the run-time libraries. This ties all components to be built with the
same version of the tools, and prevents mixing debug/release

Keep your DLL interfaces to plain old data types and you shouldn't
have any problems.

I meant the definition of the exported function in your DLL.


On Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:22 PM
fangtu101 wrote:

Re: Release build crashes when creating dialog from DLL
On May 16, 5:56 pm, David Lowndes <Dav...@example.invalid> wrote:

Hi Dave,

Sorry if this reply is a repeat -- my first one did not appear for
several hours.
We are using a release build of the DLL with a release build of the
The DLL is being dynamically loaded. Incidentally, what problems
occur if a debug build of the DLL is used? I ask this question
a similar DLL may possibly be developed by a third party as a plug-in
to our
main application.

The function called is CWnd:SetWindowPos(). We have also tried
a handle to the window, testing if it is vaild, and calling Win32
SetWindowPos(). Both failed at the same location. Interestingly, it
appears that there is a hook in the Win32 SetWindowPos() to call MFC
functions in an MFC application.

Regarding the allocation question, it is doubtful that this is the
problem because
we have run DevPartner without seeing any memory allocation problems,
except internal to MFC. (There were a few instances where DevPartner
stated that free() was being used to release memory allocated by

At the time of the crash, the program is executing
which is disassembled at the point of the crash below.

// deactivate current active view
CWinThread *pThread = AfxGetThread();
78317262 call AfxGetModuleThreadState (7830F39Fh)
if (pThread->m_pMainWnd == this)
78317267 mov eax,dword ptr [eax+4] ; ******* eax
appears to be a valid pointer before mov
7831726A cmp dword ptr [eax+20h],esi ; ******* CRASH
HERE!!! eax = 0 (null pointer), but esi appears to be a valid "this"
7831726D jne CFrameWnd::OnActivateTopLevel+7Ch (78317299h)

Thanks again for any assistance!


On Thursday, May 24, 2007 11:10 AM
fangtu101 wrote:

Finally we found the reason for the crash.
Finally we found the reason for the crash. The DLL we build is a
dynamically linked MFC dll and it has its own CWinApp object. Before
calling the function in the DLL to launch a dialog, I added
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); to switch the module
state for the resource handle to point to the DLL's own CWinApp
object. After that, the code works fine.

Besides, we found in the Debug build of the DLL, when the function in
the DLL to launch a dialog is called by the main application,
AfxGetApp() returns the handle to the main application's CWinApp
object, so the program does not crash (although this is not right).
However, in the release build, AfxGetApp() returns NULL pointer if the
module state is not switched using AFX_MANAGE_STATE(). That causes the

Following is what we found in MSDN that is related to our problem:

"By default, MFC uses the resource handle of the main application to
load the resource template. If you have an exported function in a DLL,
such as one that launches a dialog box in the DLL, this template is
actually stored in the DLL module. You need to switch the module state
for the correct handle to be used. You can do this by adding the
following code to the beginning of the function:

AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));"

and also:
"The ability to dynamically link a regular DLL to the MFC DLL allows
some configurations that are very complicated. For example, a regular
DLL and the executable that uses it can both dynamically link to the
MFC DLL and to any extension DLLs.

This configuration poses a problem with regard to the MFC global data,
such as the pointer to the current CWinApp object and handle maps.

Before MFC version 4.0, this global data resided in the MFC DLL itself
and was shared by all the modules in the process. Because each process
using a Win32 DLL gets its own copy of the DLL's data, this scheme
provided an easy way to track per-process data. Also, because the
AFXDLL model presumed that there would be only one CWinApp object and
only one set of handle maps in the process, these items could be
tracked in the MFC DLL itself.

But with the ability to dynamically link a regular DLL to the MFC DLL,
it is now possible to have two or more CWinApp objects in a process -
and also two or more sets of handle maps. How does MFC keep track of
which ones it should be using?

The solution is to give each module (application or regular DLL) its
own copy of this global state information. Thus, a call to AfxGetApp
in the regular DLL returns a pointer to the CWinApp object in the DLL,
not the one in the executable. This per-module copy of the MFC global
data is known as a module state and is described in MFC Tech Note 58.

The MFC common window procedure automatically switches to the correct
module state, so you do not need to worry about it in any message
handlers implemented in your regular DLL. But when your executable
calls into the regular DLL, you do need to explicitly set the current
module state to the one for the DLL. To do this, use the
AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro in every function exported from the DLL. This
is done by adding the following line of code to the beginning of
functions exported from the DLL:

AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ))"

On Thursday, May 24, 2007 11:46 AM
Tom Serface wrote:

Hi fangtu,THanks for posting this reply.
Hi fangtu,

THanks for posting this reply. I am sure others could experience similar
problems and it is great to have this documented.


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