Re: CTime problem

"Heinz Ozwirk" <>
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 13:01:33 +0200
"Carlo" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

i need to determine the number of minutes since 1970, i try to do that
using CTime, it seems work fine, but if i see the output of another
program the number arent the same
this is he code, the input is correct strId 06\08\01\EV_0007

CTime id_time(
 atoi((LPCTSTR)(strId.Mid(0,4))), // anno
 atoi((LPCTSTR)strId.Mid(5,2)), // mese
 atoi((LPCTSTR)strId.Mid(8,2)), // giorno
 atoi((LPCTSTR)strId.Mid(14,2)), // ora
 atoi((LPCTSTR)strId.Mid(16,2)), // minuti
 (int)0, // secondi
long numMin=id_time.GetTime()/60;

the strangest thing is that if i write out the time with
CString m_pTime=id_time.Format( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" );;
the string is correct, right time

if i try with date : Thu 7 Sep 2006 11:15:23 min= 15762050
with other program (not mine) the result is min= 15762770

any idea??

Those times differ by exacly 12 hours. Is there a chance that those programs
use different time zones?


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