Re: Please help me in sorting my problem with time_t

"Giovanni Dicanio" <>
Fri, 4 Jan 2008 11:14:22 +0100
"siva" <> ha scritto nel messaggio

I had a field of type time_t which is used for storing the time.

While working in QNX my system reads the value and displays time as
23:59:55 Dec 17,2007 while if i am reading the same file from windows
with the same structure and displays the time i am getting 19:59:55
What could be the problem can any one help me in this regard.

You may try to read the following MSDN article:

"How To Convert a UNIX time_t to a Win32 FILETIME or SYSTEMTIME"

or you may want to save your date/time using a different custom format, e.g.
define a custom structure and store separately the
day-month-year-hours-minute-seconds fields, like:

  struct my_time {
      int day;
      int month;
      int year;
      int hour;

so you can write and read this custom data-time fileds (just integers) as
you do for other fields in your binary file.


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