Re: Clearing screen

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:11:16 -0800
It may end up with so many messages in the queue that it updates constantly
and you lose the blink effect :o)


"David Ching" <> wrote in message

"MC Felon" <> wrote in message

It works!
But there's a problem...Can i make the time period incredibly small?
How small a time period can any member function of MFC achieve?

Great. Call SetTimer() with a period of 1 (for 1 ms). That's the
ssmallest you can specify, but you won't be called that often. Timers
have low priority on Windows. You will get called as often as Windows can
keep up, though. Since the work involves repainting the screen which
takes a lot of time (relatively), this should be OK.

If time is of utmost importance, after you call Invalidate() to schedule
the repaint, call UpdateWindow() to make the window repaint immediately,
rather than waiting until Windows finds it convenient (window painting is
also low priority).

-- David

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