Re: WM_TIMER remaining/elapsed time...

"Tom Serface" <>
Thu, 29 Apr 2010 06:45:37 -0500
I would just create the time to tick off every second, then you could check
variables like cancel, pause, and you'd always know how much time is left as
it ticks down (you decrement a counter). If the routine is short you
wouldn't see any real difference in your program speed.

Another thing you could do is create a separate thread that keeps track of
this sort of thing and just fires a message off to the appropriate window
when the time comes. You could pause and restart and query that thread for
state, etc.


"Simon" <> wrote in message


I am fairly sure there isn't a straight forward way to do it but I thought
I'd ask more knowledgeable people here first.

let say I create a timer for 10 minutes.

::SetTimer( m_hWnd, TIMER_IDENT, 600000, NULL ); // WM_TIMER sent to CWnd

Is it possible to 'pause' the timer or at know how many ms are left before
the WM_TIMER event is fired?

Many thanks


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