Re: Using CreateTimerQueueTimer

"Ben Voigt" <rbv@nospam.nospam>
Wed, 17 Jan 2007 08:12:45 -0600
"Mubashir Khan" <> wrote in message

i guess u remove the CALLBACK macro from your method defination ... as that
may be replaced by __stdcall*
"sandy84" <> wrote in message

Hello all,
I want to create a Windows NT Service which will delete records on
timely interval. So I am using ATL wizard generated code by using
windows services option. In Run() function I want to call the function
which will delete the record on timely interval. So for that the code
is as follows:

HANDLE m_hStop;
m_hStop = ::CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

HANDLE hTimerQTimer;
CreateTimerQueueTimer(&hTimerQTimer, NULL, DeleteRecords, NULL, 1000,

if (::WaitForSingleObject (m_hStop, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
DeleteTimerQueueTimer(NULL, hTimerQTimer, NULL);

where DeleteRecords is the function which is callback function. I am
setting event m_hStop in Handler() function for stop and shutdown. Is
this the right implementation or a better mechanism is possible to
achieve this same thing? Also is it possible that the function
DeleteRecords is member function of some class? Because when I make it
a member function of some class then I get following error:

error C2664: 'CreateTimerQueueTimer' : cannot convert parameter 3 from
'void (void *,unsigned char)' to 'void (__stdcall *)(void *,unsigned
char)' None of the functions with this name in scope match the target

Really, you should take the function address rather than letting the name
decay to a function pointer... it will make the error message clearer.

Curretly DeleteRecords is defined as:

VOID CALLBACK DeleteRecords(PVOID pvContext, BOOLEAN fTimeout)

Thank you,

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