Re: To get the SetTimer identity

"jmarc" <>
Fri, 06 Apr 2007 20:44:59 GMT

Check out my other post, with the
reworked code..

I often use "this" as a simple and free
ID to be passed to others objects, that
have to recognize wich are calling,

In many design I have made, as right now,
some objects requires subscription, with
an ID, to have some context in subsequent
calls to them. For an object "this" is unique,
and for an application, we have as many as
we need, without declaring them! (it's free).

Just like KillTimer(id) who require something
from the owner to point to the right timer

Like I said, just another way to do someting...
Not really dangerous at all!


"AliR (VC++ MVP)" <AliR@online.nospam> wrote in message

I am a little confused as well.

Maybe you meant this

bool MyBussinessObject::ATimerHasElapse(UINT_PTR IDEvent)
    for(i=0; i< many; i++)

            CBaseClassObject *pObject = (CBaseClassObject *)IDEvent;

        bool m_fDone = pObject->ProcessOnTimer(IDEvent);
            return true;

but that is could be dangerous in my opinion.


"David Wilkinson" <> wrote in message

jmarc wrote:

bool MyBussinessObject::ATimerHasElapse(UINT_PTR IDEvent)
    for(i=0; i< many; i++)
        bool m_fDone = OneOfManyObject::ProcessOnTimer(IDEvent);
            return true;

    for(j=0; j< manymore; j++)
        bool m_fDone = OtherObject::ProcessOnTimer(IDEvent);
            return true;

    return false;

........................... this method is the one to look at !!
bool OneOfManyObject::ProcessOnTimer(UINT_PTR IDEvent)
    if( IDEvent == this ) // Check if OnTimer() has been called for


You seem very confused about classes and objects. Surely this code cannot
compile. You are calling ProcessOnTimer() as if it were a static method,
which is cannot be because it uses "this" pointer.

Non-static methods need an instance and the . or -> operator, not the ::

Or are you using multiple inheritance?

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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