Re: WM_TIMER prevents window from being displayed ???
"David Lowndes" <DavidL@example.invalid> wrote in message
In fact the GetMessage documentation agrees with you:
"If no filter is specified, messages are processed in the following
Sent messages
Posted messages
Input (hardware) messages and system internal events
Sent messages (again)
WM_PAINT messages
WM_TIMER messages
Thanks, I hadn't found concrete evidence of this priority, it's good to know
it's documented.
Perhaps the situation of the OP isn't quite so clear cut, but
nevertheless, expecting to handle WM_TIMER messages so frequently is
not going to be reliable or a good way of doing things.
Not sure what is going on with him. Maybe he should kill and reset the
timer after he adds the panes. I did comment my code that I first had to
call SetTimer(0), and only after the first OnTimer() was called did I call
SetTimer(<original ms value>) to get normal timer messages after that.
Apparently the SetTimer(0) was important for the paint to occur at the right
-- David