Re: Passing a GUI handle to a socket and Postmessage back to GUI

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>
Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:20:12 -0400
"KW" <> wrote in message

 The timer problem should be trivial: One timer in the app's main window
should be sufficient. Have it call each active socket object, which
increments a counter to detect timeout.

Creating a timer in the main window: No problem.

Calling each active socket: Not sure how this would be accomplished.

The "main" window code:

void CSocketActivity::OnInitialUpdate()

    sockServ = new MySocket(CWnd::m_hWnd);

"MySocket" is the listener class. "CServer" is where the socket is bound.

I would need ID each client from the "CSocketActivity" window so I could
use a timer there.

Do you have any tips on how I could ID each connection from the
"CSocketActivity" window?

Your MySocket class has to create the sockets (in OnAccept), right? So you
better have a list/vector of them in there - you'll need it for several
purposes. I.e. keep track of your stuff.

You can call sockServ from CSocketActivity when the timer ticks. Make a
function in sockServ like ::TimerTick(). sockServ must have a list of all
the sockets it created and it is therefore trivial for TimerTick to iterate
through the list and call each socket. Make a function in each socket like
::TimerTick(). In that one increment that socket's timer/counter. The
timer/counter gets zeroed whenever the keep alive message is received. If
the timer/counter hits a timeout threshold you know you have lost a client.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

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