Re: WaitForSingleObject on Console not working???

13 Jul 2006 02:30:29 -0700
Thanks! But there is no time_out parameter in PeekConsoleInput. How to
simulate the
"select(stdin, Time_out_value)" on UNIX platform?

James Brown wrote:

<> wrote in message

How can I know if there is input or not from keyboard in console
application? I want to flush buffer to screen every second.

In Unix, select( ) with stdin and timeout can work well( return timeout
every second ), but in Windows, stdin is NOTSOCK, hence select won't

In Windows, WaitForSingleObject( stdinHandle, 1000 ) will return
"WAIT_OBJECT_0" when waiting for input.

How come the following always goes into "WAIT_OBJECT_0"?

What could I do? Is there any way to use select( ) in Windows with


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
 static HANDLE stdinHandle;
 // Get the IO handles
 // getc(stdin);
 stdinHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
 DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject(stdinHandle, 1000);

 if( rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
 else if( rc == WAIT_ABANDONED )
 else if( rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) // Always go into this branch, why???
 else if( rc == WAIT_FAILED )
   printf("Error:%d.", GetLastError());

 return 0;

stdin/stdout/stderr are simple FILE* streams, there is not really any
concept of a console here.

You can use the low-level console API if you want direct access to the
console - i.e. PeekConsoleInput

James Brown
Microsoft MVP - Windows SDK
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