Pitfalls: Injecting an exception to another thread in the same pro

=?Utf-8?B?TWFyayBTY2h1Y2s=?= <Mark Schuck@discussions.microsoft.com>
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 17:04:02 -0800

Basically I2"m tired of always polling the 2?should_I_abort2" variable in
worker threads. I was thinking, what if I made my worker thread exception
safe, and forcibly injected an exception from my other thread?

I2"m sure it2"s possible but before I look further into it, i thought I'd ask
around here for potential pitfalls or limitations of injecting an exception
into another thread.

A few things i'm specifically interested in:
What sort of problems (if any) could i run into if i inject an exception
into a system function?
I'm pretty sure that i could run into problems if the exception is injected
before the worker thread enters MyProc - or after - looks like it would
require some extra protection (read: race condition).

Example code is contained bellow:

UINT __cdecl MyProc(PVOID /*unused*/);

class CMyClass
    CWinThread * mythread;
    CMyClass() : mythread(NULL)

    void CMyClass::StartThread()
        //create the thread in the suspended state
        //(we will call ResumeThread() bellow once
        //we have set m_bAutoDelete to FALSE)
        mythread = AfxBeginThread(&MyProc,NULL,0,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED);

        //check to make sure thread was created successfuly
            throw std::runtime_error("Error! thread creation failed");

        //don't auto delete or we can run into problems while
        //waiting on the thread handle
        mythread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;

        //resume the thread
    void CMyClass::EndThread()
        //check that the thread was created
            throw std::runtime_error(
                "Error!, can't EndThread() "
                "without first calling StartThread()");

        //todo: Need to inject an exception into mythread here
        //I'm not sure how to do it yet, but i'm sure i'll need the
        //thread handle
        InjectException(mythread->m_hThread); // ???

        //wait for it to complete

        //delete it
        delete mythread;
//example use
void TestInjectionException()
    //put up a wait cursor
    CWaitCursor cur;

    //create CMyClass
    CMyClass myclass;

    //start the thread

    //just wait a while

    //kill the thread

UINT __cdecl MyProc(PVOID /*unused*/)

            //this would really be some lengthy calculation

            //Realize that injecting an exception into a
            //system function could cause problems. The
            //intention is for tasks that don't use system
            //calls. Some sort of protection could also be
            //used to delay (read: Block) the thread that is
            //trying to inject an exception into this thread
            //using a CRITICAL_SECTION. Performance
    catch (...)
        //compiler will warn about unreachable code
        //may need to make sure that it does not
        //optimize out the try-catch block
        return 0;
    return 1;

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