Re: WaitForMultipleObjects returning ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE

"Tom Widmer [VC++ MVP]" <>
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:51:32 +0100
Felix wrote:

Alex Blekhman wrote:

2. There is a race condition and some handle is closed
during a call to `WaitForMultipleObjects'.

As an experiment try to call `WaitForMultipleObjects' (or
`WaitForSingleObject') in a loop with one handle at a time
to figure out which handle is invalid.

This one sounds very promising...
If I add a second, identical call to 'WaitForMultipleObjects' just after
the first one has failed, everything runs fine. To make it very clear: the
first call to 'WaitForMultipleObjects' sometimes fails; if it does, I just
issue _one_ other call with _identical_ parameters. This second call
_always_ succeeds.

A handle could be temporarily invalid if it were closed during (or
before) the WaitForMultipleObjects call, and then a new handle was
created with the exact same value (synonymous with having a hanging
pointer that becomes valid due to the allocator reallocating that
memory). I don't know enough about how handles values are allocated to
know whether this is likely though.

  Any more good ideas about

how to catch this bug without rewriting the entire code? Is there some tool
I could run that would help me find the race condition without eliminating
it just from running?

Take a look at all code that closes any one of these handles. Note also
that some handles close implicitly, e.g. a thread handle created with


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